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This is like 2 days late but Happy LATE Valentines Day hope all my single friends survived thru the holiday ~ :)

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Oh Valentine's Day how I love how you mock us single people here, making couples and making other couples eat eachother faces- oh your just so the BEST...

Although you'd say that in your head you did have an eye on this one dude in your science and language arts class.

Yeah, yeah you already know who it is but shut up and let my story roll.

Anyways, he has green majestic hair that you'd mistaken for nature, pale skin that you'd mistaken for a blank sheet of paper, and blue eyes that I swear to god is like the sky and ocean combined together.

But he himself is none other than Jack.. well his actual name is Sean but he prefers Jack and we don't question him so like.. yeah

OKAY, so since you're basically head over heels for him and his loud type of nature, you would call that basically... love?

But recently 3 days before this torture single people day started, your locker has been filling up with cheesy ass notes, pickup lines, and romantic jokes.

It's funny cause someone actually had the audacity to waste this much paper for 3 days? Lol kidding but you'd always wonder why someone would even give in the time to do this, especially for YOU.

But nonetheless you thought it was sweet, but cringed at why a lonely potato like you would be admired...

On torture day you got a different note saying, Meet me infront of A building underneath the Maple tree during lunch ~ <3

Your science class was the last class before lunch so it would be easy getting there, although you couldn't stop staring at Jack you started making up suggestions on who it is, and yes there's a fricken Maple tree in this school it's best damn tree on this campus no joke wuss gud?

After a long talk about conspiracy theories you heard the bell ring and yeet out the door faster than sonic could ever be but at the same time took your sweet time.

You liked how the Maple tree was a isolated area from the rest of campus though, it was barely a hang out spot and it was too peaceful for rebels like us in school.

You noticed a figure poking out from behind the tree and awkwardly kept walking towards the tree.

Once you finally reached the tree this person walked out and be- effing- hold it was Jack.

I know best way to introduce the secret admirer ooh-- *smack* OW

You're a bad story teller y'know

Well sorry Felix but your more worse so don't complain

Mark move lemme tell the story


Felix this is not texting


Jack is gonna get pissed..


Ik I suck at updating wuss gud, but wifi is a bitch like my grades LOL, BUT hey this is something different than your usual confession romantic type shit I mean the title always says it all ¯\_()_/¯

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