Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter XVIII)

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Note: This is the 18th chapter in my fantasy novel, Legends Lost: Galdin. There are 52 chapters total and I will post 1 chapter every Friday. But if you wish to read the entire book now, it is available for purchase on Amazon, iBookstore, Kobo, B&N, and Smashwords.

Chapter XVIII

Fruitful Encounter

Vasagius looked out across the vast expanse before him with a satisfied smile. He spotted La'nar in the distance. The sorcerer's magic had allowed him to move his army unnoticed, even if it did mean putting up with the red eyed beasts. There were only a hundred of them, but they scared his men. Instead of dwelling on what he didn't like, Vasagius focused on what he wanted.

"What are you thinking, general?" asked Stahl.

"That this shall soon be mine."

* * *

Galdin looked up, pleased that they had finally entered the lower hills of the Ársa Mountains. The grassy plains become a rocky exterior with sharp gravel that cut through their boots. Whatever color the earth had to offer disappeared the further they traveled.

As the sun rose higher in the sky, they paused for a short break. Silence ensued as they ate a meager meal. Too quiet for Galdin's liking. He glanced around surveying the rocks and dusty hills. No birds. No bugs. Not even a breeze.

The hair prickled on the back of his neck as he pondered it. There should be some sounds. He placed his jerky back in his pack as he continued to survey the area.

Ryk noticed his movements and did the same. "What's the matter?" he asked.

"Nothing," answered Galdin, "Continue eating. I want to reach the mountains themselves before nightfall."

Ryk didn't answer.

Knowing this was unusual for the man, Galdin glanced at him. "What is it?"

"Nothing," said Ryk, shakily as he stared at a gigantic boulder that formed a smooth oval shape.

"Please do not tell me that the rock is moving," breathed Galdin. "Every time you see a rock move something happens." He stole a quick glance at Trog who gnawed happily on a stick.

"It looks like it's breathing," muttered Ryk.

By this time, the others had stopped nibbling on their food and looked at what Ryk pointed at. Galdin took a step closer. The boulder rose slightly, similar to an animal's body when it inhales. He jumped back. Frowning, Galdin knew Ryk had not imagined anything; he just seemed adept at noticing what they happily ignored.

"Everyone back away. Slowly," said Galdin.

Their feet shuffled on the ground as they backed up, gradually turning to head in another direction. Instantly, a massive, scaly tail rose from the ground and slammed into the dirt beside them cutting off their escape. They charged in another direction. Again the tail crashed into the ground stopping them.

"Dragon!" yelled Trya.

The earth shook as the boulder transformed into a dragon. The head swiveled around exposing razor sharp teeth covered in dark stains. Yellow eyes watched callously as they tried to flee.

"This way," yelled Galdin thinking he had found an escape route.

The others ran for it. With lightening quick reflexes, the dragon jumped in front of them cutting them off. Saliva dripped from its fangs as it growled and looked at them hungrily. The group backed away unsure of what to do. The rotting stench of the dragon's breath caused them to recoil with nausea. The dragon noticed Trog who cowered behind a lone, leafless bush. It dove for the frightened animal.

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