Bringing My Boy Home

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I remember that day vividly.

I got my purse and my coat and walked out the door. It was raining so I took out my umbrella so I wouldn't be soaked when he saw me for the first time in five months. 

Sang woo was staying at the institute for troubled men. It is a independent living place where men with mental issues can go and Live for one year or more and be supervised constantly. Sangwoo was pretty drugged up for the first few months so I don't think he remembers much about me taking him there, at least I hope he doesn't. It was pretty bad. I remember it like it was yesterday, he let me use the phone so I could call my 'friend' but in reality I called the Institute For Troubled Men. They came the next day and took him away screaming and fighting, then all at once he stopped and looked at me straight in the eyes. What happened next will haunt me for the rest of my life, he started...crying. 

"yoonbum please don't let them take me, I thought that you said you wanted to be with me forever"

"I love you sangwoo" I said and closed the door 

I haven't seen him since. We had the chance to talk on the second night he was there but as expected he never picked up. And here I was now standing in the entrance to the institute ready to see him for the first time in a while. I pushed the dirty glass door open and walked to the front desk where a lady with grey and pink hair was sitting. 

"I am here to pick someone up" I said clasping my clammy hands together, I was so nervous.

"can I have your first name and relationship with the patient" she asked smiling at me and twirling her hair with her finger. 

"I am yoonbum" I said 

"that's a cute name" she interrupted and smiled up at me 

"and I am his boyfriend"I said. The lady's face dropped.

"what is the patients name" she asked in a slightly harsher tone no longer smiling. 

"his name is... sangwoo" I  said. I was super nervous now.

"ok, I just have to make a call down to his supervisor he should be ready to go soon. You can go sit over there while you wait" she said pointing at a little waiting area.

I went over and sat down. So anythings were going through my mind at once, what if he hates me now, even worse what if it din't work and he'll kill me now.  All of it was to much for me and I started to cry. Then I heard a voice that sounded extremely familiar.

"I love you too bum"

I looked up and there he was. He was sitting in a wheel chair his bags next to him smiling at me. I didn't know what to say. 

"hey bum don't worry about it. They really did help me here and I feel much better." he said In a sweet voice 

"you mean your not mad?" I asked. I was positive he would be at least a little bit mad.

"no I am not mad. You just love me and you want the best for me thats all" and with that he kissed me firmly on the mouth 

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