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I know that I have putting off writing that the next chapter of this story. I feel like I owe it to you as my readers to come out and tell you the truth about why I am doing this. 

The first reason that I am putting it off Is that I want to gain at least 300 reads before I write the next chapter. I know that might sound petty of me but it is purely because I feel like that is a reasonable goal and I know we will meet it soon.

The second reason I have been putting it off, and the biggest reason is that I have lost pretty much all motivation to write about KS. It was great and all but I guess I just moved on.

I am so sorry to say that another chapter most likely not come and if I decide to write it I most likely will not publish it for a while.

I love you all and you mean the world to me but I just can't write if I have no motivation to do so.

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