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When you see someone that may "look like a girl" or "look like a boy" whatever those things mean, it is not polite to say "well you don't look like a girl/boy". Like come the fuck on. Are you that immature, I have no idea why I even have to make a whole fucking update on this shit. But here we go, this is something that I really didn't want to do but I guess that some of you couldn't handle what I thought you could and exactly what I was afraid would happen happened.

Hello my name is Blake and I am a transgender man. And no, I'm not talking about one of those tumblr transtrenders, I have been through years of therapy, self harm and anxiety because of this. I'm currently on testosterone and I am getting top surgery in August because I can't even stand looking at myself in a mirror without breaking down. And when you say "you look like a girl" that is number one, very triggering, and probably just ruined the whole rest of my week and number two just extremely rude. Why is the first thing you think of when someone tells you their gender is to comment on how they look like the opposite. I really did t even want to put pictures of me on here because I knew that this exact thing would happen but I said all the people who read this usually only comment nice supportive things and keep the not so nice stuff to themselves so why not, I also didn't want to do it because talking about the fact that I am trans makes me feel like so much less of a man. And it makes me feel like absolute shit. Do you even know what it's like growing up in a body that other girls say that they would kill for but that you would kill yourself to get out of. Do you know what it's like growing up with an image in your mind of how you want to look and knowing that it isn't biologically possible because you were born with the wrong letters. Do you know how shitty of a life that is? Fuck this. I really want to update more often and for once I was finally happy and in a good place to do that and this just send me right back into a pit of depression.

Go fuck yourself 🖕🏻

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