Happy Tears

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It was a long and silent car ride. I guess Nathan figured I didn't really want to talk. Since I wasn't doing anything else I decided to look out the window to see where he was taking me, we were going down a dirt road in a woodland area and the setting sun was slowly filtering through the trees, it was so beautiful. 

Nathan unexpectedly stopped the car and looked over at me.

"Im sorry but i'm gonna have to blindfold you, Sangwoo doesn't want you to see anything until we get there." said Nathan as he wrapped a bandana around my eyes so that I couldn't see anything. I couldn't believe that Nathan was taking Sangwoos side, furthermore I couldn't begin to wonder why he was blindfolding his own best friend in the middle of a dark forest because "sangwoo said so" this was the lamest day of my life.

We drove for what felt like forever until I felt the car stop again. Nathan reached over and took the the bandana off from my eyes. I opened my eyes and hot tears immediately began streaming down my cheeks, the happy kind. There was a long trail with lights hanging on either side and a gazebo at the end, inside the gazebo was a large table with a white tablecloth and red rose petals scattered everywhere, but most importantly there was Sangwoo, he was standing in the middle of the gazebo looking right at me and smiling. I forgot everything that had happened to me so far and hopped out of the and raced into his arms. He smelled of fresh laundry and vanilla.

"hey bumi" he said smiling down at me.

"I thought you hated me" I said still sniffling in his chest.

"Hate you! why would I hate you? I could never hate you baby boy"

"I saw those emails you sent to that girl" I said stepping away from him. He just laughed.

"you mean Mijin? she's the one who help me set up all of this! she's just a friend and she actually likes girls, her girlfriend actually helped set up too." she said still chuckling.

ugh I felt so stupid, my cheeks when bright red. "T-then why did u say I wasn't gonna be your boyfriend any more? 

"thats because if tonight goes as planned you won't be "just" my boyfriend, you'll be my future husband"he said getting on one knee. I was momentarily distracted by the flashing and clicking of Nathan's camera, but then directed my attention back to sangwoo. He was on one knee holding out the most beautiful ring I had ever seen. It had a silver band with diamonds going all around it and it had one teardrop shaped diamond. 

"will you marry me yoonbum?" said sangwoo with hopeful eyes. 

I was as red as a beet, I couldn't believe what was happening but I knew exactly what I was going to say.

"of course ill marry you Sangwoo" I said as I gave my hand to him so he could slip on the ring. he stood back up and pressed his warm pink lips against mine.

Yay 530 words! I hoped you guys liked it! I told you something big was coming up! did you guys predict this? probably, I think that I made it a little too obvious but thats ok.

BTW I really value u guys opinions so feel free to drop a comment telling me if you like or dislike this story and don't forget to vote! I love all of you guys! bye!

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