Sneaking Suspicion

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I Woke up feeling like I had slept on a Cloud. The new silky blue covers were so soft and the pillows smelled of lavender. I slowly opened my eyes and rolled over to wrap my arms around my loved one just to find out that he was no where to be seen! He didn't even leave a note! 

I got up and put on a pair of ripped jean shorts and a black and white striped crop top. I picked up my iPhone and quickly typed in a text to Sangwoo,

Where r u? I wanted to wake up next to you on our first morning together :(

Moments later he replied,

Oh just went to do some shopping, promise we can cuddle when I get home. Also I already ate, sorry.

I checked the time on my phone, 10:30am. What the heck did he need at 10:30 in the morning. I walked over to his medicine organizer, at least he remembered to take his meds I thought to myself. 

It had been about an hour since Sangwoo left and I was starved. I went over to the cabinet to see what we had to eat, and finally after much mental debate decided to eat the last cup of instant noodles. I heated up the water and waited on the couch for him. What was he doing? Did he really think that I believed that he was actually shopping for an hour!  

So peoples I am sorry I haven't been updating very quickly but I have been pretty sick. I am pretty busy today so I could only make one part to this but I promise I will have a part two out by tonight or tomorrow afternoon.

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