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I woke up with a start and rubbed my eyes until they weren't foggy.
The window next to my bed was cracked open just a smidge and the cool breeze deepened my realization of the cold empty spot in the bed next to me.
"Sangwoo!" I called out into our quiet apartment and there was no sound other than the buzzing of the fan in the corner of the room.
I rapped the thin sheets around my body and stepped out of our bed room. When I stepped foot into the living room I could see that the lights were dimmed. I glanced at the microwave to check the time 21:34 it read.
It's late he should be home I thought and rubbed my temples.
I made my way back to the bedroom and threw on a sweatshirt and some boxers before grabbing my phone to do a little more investigating. 
I unlocked the phone but before I could do that I head the familiar sound of a code being punched in and the door unlocking.

It was a cool end of summer night and the moist air was a welcome friend to my dry throat.
I made my way down the empty side alleys to a little pagoda. There was absolutely no one in the store as usual not even a clerk. So I made my way around and got what I needed, I got some rice, beans, chicken but most importantly a bottle of patron;)
"Hello?" I yelled anxious to pay for my things so I could get back to my probably awake and worried husband. But there was no response. I scanned the store looking for some sort of back room or clerk but saw nothing so just shrugged it off and walked out of the store.
By this point it was raining outside and the sky had turned from a pink to a dark gray as night and rain began to take over.
It took about five minutes to walk home and when I finally made it there it was pouring outside and I was soaking wet from head to toe. I walked up the stairs to our floor praying someone wouldn't slip and die on the trail of water I was leaving behind me. I didn't want to hurt anyone anymore not even indirectly. 

I opened the door to see my sweet bum sitting at the kitchen counter on his phone, he turned to me and his eyes were as big as dinner plates.
"What happened to you?" He said as he rushed over and took the groceries out of my hands. I pointed outside and said "rain". Let's say I'm a man of simple words.

The door swung open and there was a drenched shivering Sangwoo holding a bag of food in either hand. I ran over to him and took the bags from him.
"You're gonna catch a cold" I said as I put down the stuff on the table.
"I'll be fine" he said removing his dipping wet coat and throwing it in the dryer.
"Let's warm up," he said seductively as he peeled of his dripping shirt.
My face turned beet red and I looked down at my feet and pondered it for a while before dropping to my knees and looking up at him.
"Not yet silly" he said, reaching into one of the bags, reaches by around a little while before pulling out a bottle of tequila.
"Have some fun juice first," he said handing it to me.
I usually don't drink a lot but something got over me that night. I shakily lifted the bottle up to my lips before taking a huge swig. My mouth and throat immediately burned, I was afraid to drop it so I handed it back.
"Good boy" he said leaning down and kissing me on the lips. He gently massages my tongue with his and pulls away way too soon for my liking.
I make eye contact with his now semi hard crotch again and get a little excited myself. I reach up to unbuckle his belt and fly before stripping off the edge jeans and underwear.
His dick was right there in front of my face and I savored every moment of it.
I looked up at my partner and smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2020 ⏰

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