Why I haven't been updating/what happened to my boyfriend/ new chapter.

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Haha I guess I'm here to write another chapter! I really didn't think I'd have time or the will to do this until after my exams but due to its popularity and demand I am here to write you guys another chapter! But before we get into that let me just say a couple of things. I feel like you all have become my family and deserve for me to be consistent with my promises, which by no means I have been. I feel like all of you guy deserve to know what has been going on with me and why I haven't been updating so much or as much as I want to.

My boyfriends name is Maya and for a long time he was very sick. He would cough up blood and not be able to breathe all the time and it was just really horrible to see someone I love go through that kind of pain and the worst part was the doctors had no idea why this was happening to him. In early February I got a call from his best friend who I will not say the name of because I'm not sure if he's ok with me sharing that, but I got a call from him and he said that maya and him had been out and suddenly maya just passed out so he called the ambulance and they took maya to the hospital where he was put into a medically induced coma to try and save his life pretty much. On this day I was very sick all day before this and too weak to even move and I just remember screaming at the top of my lungs and just crying my eyes out because I was too sick to go and see him in the hospital where he was visiting his friends because it was in a different state and I couldn't drive. It was a complete miracle that he woke up from that coma and he woke up only a day before they would have taken him off life prolonging treatment. I remember just crying on FaceTime with his friend and talking maya a little bit because he was still sick and couldn't talk much.
To my utter dismay I was going to Japan in a few weeks and although Japan is a great place and I love it there, you don't really want to leave someone that sick behind because you never know if you're going to get to see them again. But I had to go because my family friends were expecting me and my parents spent a lot of money on the tickets and me and the doctors truly thought that he was getting better. Anyway I left and we would text every day he would give me suggestions of things to do in Japan and we would FaceTime all the time so he get to see Japan to.

After I came home from Japan it was time to go to anime Boston. I was going with a bunch my friends and Boston isn't too far away from where I live so I wasn't that concerned about going away for a weekend. I remember on the last night of, con we had the most stupid fight, I don't remember what it was about but I know that it was really stupid.

We didn't talk for a while and like I said he was still in the state where his friends left and so it wasn't that weird not to talk to him because I just thought he needed some space. Anyway a couple days later I'm walking with my friend to get some pizza and his friend Calls me. And gives me the most heartbreaking news. He said that the day I came back from anime Boston Maya had passed away in his sleep. He wrote the most beautiful letter to me saying how he loved me so much and he's sorry that it had to end this way. That news crushed me. I loved and still love him very much.

He was cremated and had a beautiful memorial service held for him with all of his favorite things around him. And the last thing he ever said to me was "I promise I will never leave you". As you can probably imagine this hasn't been very easy on me and I've been emotionally very stressed lately and that's why I haven't been able to update as much as I'd like to. I hope you understand.

The next chapter will be posted right after I post this so don't worry I'm still writing it. Anyway I'll see you soon.

Sincerely, Blake.

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