Read this plz lol

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So like I'm gonna do a Q and A thingy and I know y'all don't give a shit abt me personally but I have extreme writers block and I at least want to give you guys something.

Are you hot?
Are you rich?
My parents are kinda.
Are you in love?
Yes. But he's not with us anymore.
Do you like coffee?
No actually I don't, no matter how much cream or sugar I put into it, it still tastes bitter.
What is your dream vacation?
Rome Italy with my boyfriend not like that's gonna happen though.
Who do you truly love?
What's the last movie you watched?
Call me by your name.
Do you play any sports?
Only recreationally.
What's the last thing you ate?
Who is you best friend?
My hand.
What's the last book you read?
What is your favorite pet?
My one-eyed cat Jack a.k.a lil fuzz man.
Where is your bsf right now?
Creepy. (Connected to my arm)
What is your fav tv show?
Queer as folk.
What clothes do you wear to bed?
Tbh if we're being totally honest here I usually just wear the clothes that I wore that day but if it's really hot, short shorts and a t-shirt.
What is the size of your bed?
What's the worst injury you've ever had?
Well I, your royal fagness tried to play football once, I know, shocker. Anyway we were practicing passes or whatever the fuck but some guy threw the ball at my face and I kinda just stood there and it hit me right on the forehead and I blacked out and my nose started gushing blood. So yeah.
What were you doing three hours ago.
Do you really wanna know?...
Are you wear pants rn?
What are your plans for tonight.
Just some Netflix and chill with my best friend if you catch my drift.
When do you usually go to sleep?
It's very simple. I don't. I just don't.
Have you ever wet your bed?
You're weird if you haven't.
Beer or wine?
Wine all the way, I hate beer.
Are you drunk.
Im not as think you drunk I am.
Feeling sleepy rn?
Kinda tbh.
Are you a flirt?
No not really I always wait for the other guy to make a move first, I'm very shy.
Talk to animals?
Duh who do you think I am?
Do you cry in public?
I try not to because then my makeup runs and I look like a hot crazy mess.
Are you always happy?
If you're always happy then I feel bed for you because I has been my darkest times that I have learned and grown from as a person. Without those experiences I might not be as strong emotionally as I am now and I probably wouldn't know how to deal with A lot of situations and pain that I can now.

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