Wedding day part 1

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Sangwoo's POV
     I woke up with the sun shining in the window illuminating my beautiful lovers face. The raven haired man was all wrapped up in the blankets and his face looked peaceful and dreamy. I lightly kisses his cheek as he awakened from his slumber.
"You know what today is right?"
"The day where you become my husband!" He said as sat on top of me with one leg on either side of my torso.
I reached up and brought his lips to mine, "I've been waiting a long time to marry you Yoonbum,"
Yoonbum's POV
I got up off Sangwoo and started getting ready. I put all of my makeup in my makeup bag and got an extra change of clothes along with a bottle of Advil just in case the alcohol didn't agree with me. I put on a simple lavender t-shirt with some cute long denim overalls. I walked out of the bedroom with all my stuff and grabbed my keys to go put it in the car. It was a warm-Ish day out, the sun was shining but there was still a slight breeze. I took a moment and took a deep breath of the cool air and stood on the porch with my eyes closed. Today was the day that I was going to get married to the man of my dreams.

A few hours later

Sangwoo's POV
Here I was on this beautiful day driving to my own wedding all by myself. Bum insisted that I shouldn't see him until the wedding. I felt like a million butterfly's we're slowly killing me from the inside and no matter how loud I played my music it still wouldn't drown oh my anxiety. What if he decides that he didn't want to marry me after all, what if he decided that he could not forgive me for all of the horrible things I did to him. I have to stop thinking like this.

Yoonbum's POV
I couldn't breathe and I felt like I was going to faint. It was finally time. Everyone was waiting for me. I had my makeup done and my hair was in elaborate braids. My dress was a beautiful ivory color with a beaded bodice and a flow tool bottom. I felt like a princess and I was about to walk out and meet my prince. Since I had no family my best friend in the world Nathan was walking me down the isle, he came up to me and put his hand on my shoulder.
"It's going to be ok Bum you're gonna do great,"
"What if I fall or mess up my views or what if-" I was cut of by the music that signaled to me that it was my turn to walk. Nathan smiled.

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