The Two Person Party

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He stood back up and pressed his warm pink lips against mine. Just as things were getting good my stomach decided this was the perfect time to growl, Sangwoo pulled away.

"your hungry, I can text someone and come tell them to clean up so that I can get you some food" said Woo with a concerned tone.

"N-no I'm fine I'm not that hun-" I was interrupted once more by my own stomach.

Sangwoo chuckled and picked me up bridal style, "I think your stomach disagrees with you Bumi." "Hey Nathan we're gonna head out do you mind cleaning up?"

"no its cool I have nothing else to do" Nathan said setting down his camera in his car then looking up once again, "I'll email you guys the pictures tonight, when I get done cleaning this up."

Me and Sangwoo walked to our car and then started driving out of the dark woods, the trees looked like they were reaching out and every noise made me jump. Sangwoo could probably sense my fear and took one of my small shaky hands in his. His hands were soft and strong, Strong enough to leave bruises if he squeezed to tight, strong enough to break my hand if he wanted to. Strong enough to leave little stinging black and blue marks all over my body if I did something wrong. A single hot tear ran down my cheek but I turned my head away from him and quickly wiped it away before he saw anything. 
      "So, it's your choice Bum, where do you wanna go for dinner?" Said Sangwoo.
      "Well," I said looking at my outfit, "I don't really think these are good clothes to go out to a nice dinner in and plus, I'm tired I've had a pretty rough day."
      "That's ok with me, what would you like for dinner? I'll cook tonight."
      "You know how to cook?" I said very surprised.
      "Well I wouldn't say I'm good at it but I still managed to cook for myself before you came," said Sangwoo, very proud of himself.
      "Well in that case make it a surprise," I said thinking of all the food I would have to force down so that I wouldn't upset him.

Sangwoo was in the kitchen cooking while I was in the bed my computer that I had bought while Sangwoo was gone, looking at the pictures that Nathan. I decided to post one on my Instagram, and I immediately got thousands of comments say  omg!! U and Sangwoo are so cute together!! Congrats! And the weird thing was that I barley knew any of them, social media was too confusing for me, I shut the laptop just as Sangwoo came in with two bowls and chop sticks. I looked in my bowl, something about it seemed familiar.
      "Hey, let's go to the kitchen and eat so we don't get the covers dirty," I said to Sangwoo.
      "Hey, when did my little Bumi become such a party pooper," whined Sangwoo.
      "Since I had to clean up for you, so let's bring this little two person party into the other room before you stain the new covers I bought us," "oh and also Woo I appreciate your meal but heating up the leftovers I made does not count as cooking."

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