The Horrors Of This World

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      "Here you go Mina let me show you to your room," I said grabbing her little backpack and started on my way to the basement. Now I know what your thinking, "your making that poor child sleep in that dark damp torture chamber!" And you totally wrong, that would be horrible of me to do that!! When Sangwoo was gone I had a lot of extra time on my hands so I started to slowly turn our basement into a living area/guest room. I carpeted he floors with fluffy white carpet and put a black leather couch and a tv down there. The couch could turn into a bed and there was a closet with pillows and blankets so the room could double as a guest bedrooms.
      I held Mina's hand as she hopped down the stairs that I had been shoved down countless times, the stairs that kept me company in that cold dark basement, the stairs that taunted me with the fact that even if I tried to escape by climbing them I was to be blocked by the locked hatch at the top. There was one thing this child would never know, how a 23 year old can barley walk without limping. Why I we have a huge hole at the end of the stairs, where a knife used to be, and most importantly why I have a scar on my neck going from ear to ear. Little minds shouldn't have to deal with the horrors of this world.

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