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     First off, sorry to break all of your hearts but the name Hikaru in the last chapter has nothing to do with Ouran academy high school host club. Sorry.

     Our guest room was absolutely amazing!!! There was one huge king sized bed for me and Sangwoo and in a separate small room a cool little loft bed for Mina. Our rooms were on the second floor so we had a beautiful balcony over looking the bright blue waters of the sea.

I started putting my clothes in the drawers when Sangwoo came in and said,
"it's time for dinner bum,"
"ok, is it fancy? Should I dress up or anything?" I questioned
"No I think it's a pretty casual sorta thing, we're having pizza so just wear what your wearing now," sangwoo replied.
Timmmmeeee skippppyyyyy
We decided to eat dinner outside on the huge patio right in front of the beach.
"Daddy I don't want olive pizza," Axel whined to Kaito who had just served him a piece of his least favorite pizza.
"Stop whining Axel!" Said Kaito with a stern tone,
"Oh my, I'm so embarrassed!" Said Hikaru
"No, no it's fine" said sangwoo, " kids will be kids sometimes," he chuckled from across the table as I nibbled on my piece of cheese pizza.
After we were finished with dinner we went in for some ice cream. I don't really enjoy sweet things that much so I just sat on my phone snapping pictures. I got one of Mina and Sangwoo giggling with ice cream on their noses, Sangwoo could be such a child sometimes.
"Would you like any ice cream?" Said Kaito as he walked towards me and sat down in the chair next to me.
"No thank you," I replied politely
"Can I get you some champagne or wine instead?"
"Yes please, some champagne would be nice," I said.
Kaito came back with two glasses of chilled champagne, and handed me a glass.
Mina came running over to me and jumped on my lap, "can I have some?" She asked looking at the glass of caramel colored liquid.
"No hunny, it's only for grown ups, sorry, maybe when you older."
Sangwoo came over beer in hand. He set it down and picked up Mina from behind, she started giggling really loud.

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