The Little Girl

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I woke up to my phone buzzing, it was my boss. I usually worked at home so him calling wasn't unusual for him. I was a social worker of sorts, I helped kids who had be abused or abandoned by their parents find new homes. I mostly just emailed and interviewed possible adopters or foster families to see if they were a good fit. I was just scared that maybe I did something wrong and he was calling to fire me or something, I couldn't lose this job, with Sangwoo still out of work I was making all the money, without it we wouldn't have a house or food  

"Hello" I answered scared I did something wrong.

"yes, hello Yoonbum, we are having a little problem at the office here, literally everyone called in sick" he said obviously in a state of panic.

"oh yes sir I would be happy to come in and help today," I said trying to make a good impression of myself. 

"oh no its quite fine I can handle all of the office stuff but this morning their was a little girl dropped off on our doorstep she had a note in her bag with some information on it, he name is mina and she is four years old but thats about all we know about her, thats not the problem though, the problem is that we have no one to take care of her until we find her a more permanent home." he said, you could here the sobs of a obviously distressed child in the background. 

"oh of course ill take care of her if thats what your asking! I've always loved kids!" I said excited.

"yes well as you can hear she very scared and sad, I mean I would be to if someone left me on a doorstep, so she probably needs a more quiet an home like environment right now thats why I was wondering if I could drop her off at your house at around 10:30," "is that ok?"

"yes that would be fine," I said looking at the clock it was 9:45, "Ill be here, if its easier I can have my Fiancé Sangwoo come and pick her up, it sounds like you have a lot of work to do," I said trying to as helpful as possible.

"oh, no its ok, By the way Yoonbum your the only reliable employee I have I feel like I can't count on the other people so thank your for being so helpful."

I almost burst with joy I was gonna get to take care of a kid for a whole day or maybe even more and my boss said that I was his favorite!!

just then Sangwoo walked in with a towel wrapped around his waist and a toothbrush in his hand.

"who was that?" he questioned as he started to put some ripped jeans on.

"your gonna be a daddy for a day!" I said smiling from ear to ear.

"Yoona," he said coming over and putting a hand on my forehead "are you feeling ok?"

"Im fine," I said pushing his hand away from my face, "what I meant was that we are going to take care of one of the kids that are staying at my office are coming to live with us for a few days while we find them a home," I said with a smile still plastered across my face.

"are you sure thats a good Idea, I mean do you even know how to take care of children," said Sangwoo with a concerned tone.

"trust me woo I've had lots of practice taking care of you, I think ill be fine," I said

Sangwoo chuckled and then said "ok fine but only for a few days."

"yay" I screeched and hopped out of bed all giddy.

Mina will probably be hungry when she gets here so I better start making some food for her, lets think what do kids like to eat for breakfast, oh I know Ill make Strawberry pancakes! I mixed the batter and poured and flipped until I had a bunch of strawberry pancakes all stacked up on a plate. 

just then the doorbell rang and I went to go get it when I realized I had forgotten to take off my apron, oh well to Late now. I opened the door to see my boss Mr.Clark.

"hello" I said 

"Mina, you can come out, Yoonbum's really nice he's not gonna do anything bad to you."

slowly I saw a little figure appear from behind Mr.Clark, the little girl was pale as paper and as skinny as a twig. She had short straight jet black hair that had a little blue bow in it. She was holding a little tattered bunny stuffed animal in her hand, and she had a backpack on her back.

"hello, Mina" I said crouching down and smiling, "Im Yoonbum, you be staying at my house for a little while, and I hope we can have a great time together!" I said reaching my hand our for her to shake, but instead she just ran forward and wrapped her small arms around me, it took me by surprise but after a few seconds I hugged back. I looked up from the embrace to see that Mr.Clark had already left, I couldn't blame him he had probably had a really tough morning and he had a lot of work to do.

"Hey Mina, I bet you've had pretty long morning, do you want anything to eat?" I asked in a comforting tone. 

"yes, sir" she said in a squeaky little mouse voice.

"ok well I can bring you to the kitchen and you can meet my my fiancé Sangwoo, he's really nice by the way, and then we can have some strawberry pancakes I cooked just for you"I said taking her hand in mine and leading her into the kitchen.

Hey guys some of you might be wondering why I posted two times in a day and thats because I felt like y'all deserved another one, I have been late on chapters for a long time and I just thought that I owe it to you so here you go, I hope you enjoy! 

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