Aeon part two

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I quickly got up and put on some  really short shorts and a striped crop top, I was gonna break up with this jerk in style. Then I grabbed my phone and walked out to meet Nathan who was waiting in his shiny silver car. I really didn't want to see him but I guess a little part of me was praying that this was just a misunderstanding and that sangwoo had a good explanation for all of this. I hopped in the car and checked myself in the mirror "flawless" I said to myself as the car pulled out of the driveway.

I'm really sorry this is a short one but I promise the next one will be amazing !! I'm sorry for not updating in like a million years but I've been sick and life's been hard and stuff happens . Also I really want your input on my story do u like it? Is there anything I could work on? Comment below! Bye!

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