Welcome home Woo...

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It was pretty silent for the first part of the walk back home, until sangwoo broke the silence. 

"thank you bum" he said and put his hand on my shoulder and I instinctively flinched. He looked at me and frowned. "I am sorry for what I did to you, and I know that sorry will in no way make up for what I have done but I wanna make it up to you somehow, I will show you the real sangwoo". I stopped walking and turned around to look him in the eyes.

"I meant what I said you know that right"I said to him. "that I love you. I really meant that, and no diagnosis or amount of pills you have to take will ever change how I feel about you sangwoo" and then to my immense surprise the tall blonde man standing in front of me started to cry. I immediately pulled him to me. 

"ssshhhh sangwoo it only gets better from here, your ok now, I'm here and I am not leaving" I said to him in a soothing tone. This was extremely strange to me, usually Woo was the one holding me when I cried, now it was the other way around.

"bum why didn't you leave when I was gone, you could have left and this would have been all over" he said through his cute little hiccups 

"because someone had to make dinner for you when you came home" I joked and kissed his forehead. 

I typed in the code and opened the door. the house as usual smelled like house cleaner and pine. There was a little flimsy sign that I hung up that read 'welcome home woo!' in shiny little letter stickers. 

"I'm sorry I'm so cheesy"I said my cheeks turing a darker shade of pink. 

"it's perfect baby doll" he said and smiled. 

"well do you wanna see the rest of the house?"i said gesturing to the kitchen that no longer had a little office chair in it. 

"sure" he said and took off his shoes 

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