The Tour Part 2

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I am sorry I didn't get this update out to you guys sooner! I have just been busy with life, don't worry I'm not stopping just been having a busy summer.Speaking of summer comment what you have been doing this summer and if you've started school yet, I don't start until September 7. 

Next Susan took us to the bar area, there was a big bard with wooden shelves and stainless steal countertops, it was even more beautiful in person than on the website. 

"Do you provide the bar tenders?"asked Sangwoo 

"no," "I'm sorry," Said Susan "we don't provide the bar tenders for insurance reasons," 

Over to the left of us there was a wooden staircase leading up the side of the wall to a little loft area called the love nest. Inside there was beautiful antique furniture from colonial america. 

"how beautiful!" I exclaimed. 

"yes it really is," agreed Sangwoo 

"I got all the furniture from my parents," said Susan, "they've gathered quite a collection over the years!" 

Next she took us to the bathrooms which were quite simple with a little flower next to every sink that were a little bit in need of water but thats ok. after we finished looking at the bathrooms it was getting pretty late so we decided to say our goodbyes to Susan. 

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