A Bad Dream

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                          I am on the ground, motionless, and in so much pain. I saw my own life flash right before my very two eyes. I see people and police and camera lights every where. I just stay on the ground as people crowd around me and the car me and my family were in. Before the car crashed my brother and sister threw me out the car so I wouldn't get hurt. I slowly start to move I heard gasps and people saying 'Are you okay?' 'Are you hurt?' 'Do you need to go to a hospital?'  "I'm scared. Mom! Dad! Fefe! (Thats what she called her brother) Sissy! Where are you guys!" A man in blue cloths comes over and takes me to a a big red truck like van. An ambulance. Then I see little red dots start to cover my vision. I fall into a abyss of darkness and I let it take over me. 

                         I wake up from the same dream, it's the same thing every night for ten almost eleven years. My family is gone and I still can't get over it. All I need is someone that under stands me. I get up and go to my dresser and get dressed in a Black Veil Brides Knives and Pens Album cover shirt but the thing is I always wear a black long-sleeved shirt under my t-shirts just so no one sees the cuts and scars that covers my arms. I walk downstairs to see everyone with smiles one their faces next thing I know everyone is shouting "HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALISSA"   The thing about that though is my birthday was last month they always forget and then try to make it up "My birthday was last month guys but thanks anyways." I said in a low voice every one shrugged and went back to whatever they were doing. "Sorry Alissa" Someone said his voice was soft yet rough. I liked it. I turned to see a guy with black hair that's almost touching his shoulders, wearing black and white Converse, Sleeping With Sirens band tee, black skinny jeans, and the best thing is that he wore band bracelet's I think he has style good style. "I don't think I know you what's your name?" I was afraid he didn't hear me cause I said just above a whisper. "My name is Alex." He said then walked away that's the usual for me no one wants to hang with me because i don't like being around people besides Joss but that is because he stood up for me when I was being bullied by a group of guys it could've ended bad I probably would have been punched and kicked. The thing is I always have a snarky come back that always get's me in trouble. 

    A/n: how was the first chapter please tell me so I know when to keep writing this was made about a year ago when I was bored so I thought why   not put it on wattpad and see what people think. Feel free to check my other story's  I have made and give them some love. bye!


                                                -Nightmare Ally  

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