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Jack's P.O.V.

I haven't left the hospital since the car crash. Although Rick and Anna tried to get me to go get sleep and something healthier to eat than the hospital cafè lunches, but I protest and she gives up.

I saw her start to stir awake and I stand up and run towards her grabbingher hand, "Where am I?" She asked as she started to open her eyes. She hissed in pain at the lights, so I turned them off.

She looked at me and smiled a small smile, "Hey..." she trailed off and coughed she might need some water. I called a nurse into the room and told her she needs water. The nurse came in with a bottle of water and handed it to Alissa. "I'm at a hospital aren't I?" She asked and I nodded my head. "Yeah we got into a car crash and...it's all my fault." I told her my voice breaking a little at the end.

She took my hand and gave me a stern look, "No it's not your fault don't ever say that again, got it?" I starred at her with a small smile gracing my lips, "Got it." I kissed her head and stood up. "I need something to eat and I'm pretty sure you are hungry as well. Would you like me to go pick something up?" I asked her and she shook her head. "Ok but don't say I didn't ask." I told her teasingly.

As I walked out I booked an taxi to come and pick me up. When it got her ten minutes later, I hoped in and it took me to Rocky Family Dinning. As I walk in I am hit by the smell of food, eggs, bacon, hash browns, and so much more. I take a seat in the back, but the waitress caught my eye. Marry... What is she doing here? Well duh she works here. Man, she grew up, I feel bad shes my sister and I was never there to help her. 

Some other waitress came to my table and I asked her about Marry at first she was confused until I told her she was my sister. "Marry, come here!" She shouted to her, she turned around and her eyes fell on me. She squealed and when I stood up I open my arms. She hugged me to death. "Jack! Its been so long since we seen each other!" She said with a big smile. "What time do you get off work?" I ask her, I want her to meet Alissa, Alissa should know my siblings. "In about a hour, why?" She asked. "There's someone I want you to meet." I told her scratching the back of my neck. "Who's the lucky girl?" She asked excitedly, "The lucky girl,  is Alissa, I met her through Anna." I told her and she started squealing again, "How is Anna? Is she still with emotionless Rick?" I laughed, but its true, a rock shows more emotion than that guy. 

Anna is like my Mom so if shes happy, than I am happy, "Yeah she is."  She smiled, "Did they get married?" She smirked, "No not yet." I told her, "Well I better get back to work." She smiling, "Okay I will be waiting." I told her. "She never told me she had a brother." The waitress told me, "Well we don't talk to each other a lot." I told her, I ordered my food and waited for Marry's shift to be over.  "Alright let's go!" She said smiling like a idiot. 

We got to her car and I told her I would drive. When I pulled up to the hospital and she frowned, "I thought we were going to your new girlfriend?" She asked confused. "We are, I got into a car crash and the truck hit her side of the car, she got very messed up from it, broken ribs, broken arm, and she was put in a coma." I told her, her mouth formed into a shape of a 'o' in understanding. 

As we were going into the elevator I got a call from Anna.

"Jack you should really get something to eat." She said her voice stern and very mother like.

"Anna I did, I'm with my sister, I am talking her to see Alissa," I told her sighing, Marry squealed and took my phone right from my hand and started talking to Anna. 

I rolled my eyes as we walked into the room where Alissa was being help, she turned her head and as soon as she saw my sister she raised an eyebrow at me. "Marry give me my phone thank you," I took my phone, "Anna I will call you later bye." I said and hung up before she could protest, my sister was giving me a glare. I chuckle and walk over to Alissa I went to grab her hand but she moved it away glaring at me and shifting her gaze to my sister who shifted uncomfortably. "Alissa this is my sister, Marry, Marry this is Alissa." I told her and than her whole face changes. 

Alissa sat up some. "It's nice to meet you, this numb nuts never told me he had a sister." She said and I give her a glare which she brushes off. "It's nice to meet you to Alissa." My sister said with a small smile. "And for the record my brother is the biggest numb nut, one time while he was-" I cut her off as Alissa had her evil grin,  "Don't even think about, she will use that against me some how." I glare at my sister which made Alissa laugh. 

As we all started watching what was on the T.V. Alissa sighs, "When am I ever getting out of here?' She said with a annoyed expression on her face. I chuckle at her, "I don't know." The doctor walks in and smiles, "Hello Miss Alissa. You should be leaving in about a hour, just to make sure that all of the narcoticsare out of your system." He said smiling Alissa looked so happy. "You!" She pointed at me, I gave her a amused expression, "You are going to take me home so I can eat all of the nutella and so I can have Anna's pancakes because oh my gawd! They are like haven in your mouth." Chuckle and Marry nods, "Oh my god you should try to get rick to make his grilled chicken thats like the best thing in the world!" She exclaims. 

It's true both of them are great cooks. 


After about an hour and a half we are finally on our way to Anna's and Rick's. "Alright let's go and bug Anna to make us some Pancakes!" Alissa yells as She uses her crutches to get to the stairs. I stand behind her making sure she doesn't fall and get a concussion or something. Once we are inside Alissa yells, "Honey I'm home! Oh wait I am not married." She chuckles Anna and Rick come out of the living room, Anna rushes towards Alissa, than runs and tackles Marry. Rick just smile, I think thats the most emotion I have ever seen from that guy. "Hey Anna?" Alissa asked, "Yes?" Anna asked smiling. "You know what I haven't had in sooo long. Almost to long, and I think Marry feels the same way about that." Marry smirked and so did Alissa, which made Anna and Rick raise their eyebrows, "What?" They ask in unison. "Pancakes!" The two most important people yell. Anna and Rick both chuckle. "Why I guess you came to the right person, aye?" She asked and the both smiled wide and nodded. "No one, and we both mean, NO ONE can make your pancakes because they are just soooo gooooddd!" They say excitedly. Me and Rick chuckle in amazement.   

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