Getting A Trainer

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As I was walking back to the house, my phone started to go off. I looked at the caller I.D and saw it was Anna.

Call Convo Al:Alissa An:Anna

Al:Hey Anna.

An:Why aren't you at school?

Al:I needed to get out of there before I choked someone out.

An:Where are you?

Al:A block away from the house why?

An:Okay I will see you when you get home, but I want a full explanation on why you left early. Okay?

Al:Yeah okay just don't tell Rick he seems scary I don't want to mess with him.


End of Convo

She hung up and I just starred at the phone. How did she find out so fast? God I hate school! I started singing along with music playing from my phone. A song came on and I couldn't help but sing Me And My Broken Heart by Rixton,

"All I need is a little love in my life,

All I need is a little love in the dark,

A little but I'm hoping it might kick start,

Me and my broken heart,

I need a little loving tonight,

Hold me so I'm not falling apart,

A little but I'm hoping it might kick start,

Me and my broken heart,


Shot gun,

Aimed at my heart you got one,

Tear me apart in this song,

How do we call this love?

I tried,

To run away,

But your eyes,

Tell me to stay,

Oh why,

Why do we call this love?

It seems like we've been losing control,

So bad,

It don't mean I'm along,

When I say,

All I need is a little love in my life,

All I need is a little love in the dark,

A little but I'm hoping it might kick start,

Me and my broken heart,

I need a little loving tonight,

Hold me tight so I'm not falling apart,

A little but I'm hoping it might kick start,

Me and my broken heart,"

I stopped when I open the door to my house well their house. When I look at Anna I see she is not happy with me. "Um..Hey..." I say nervousness dripping from my voice. "Talk!" She barked with anger, I sat down and patted the spot next to me and she sat next to me shooting daggers towards me. " and Alex did it...And this morning he came in my room and..." I choked on my words and she noticed, She rubbed my back trying to calm me down and it works, "He saw..He saw my scars...And said I was ugly and it's because of my scars." And with that I break down, "After he did that I walked towards him threateningly he ran and now I am so angry I feel like I need to choke something." I growl the last part and she takes note that I needed a break, "Come on." She said. "I am not going back to school." I state, she shakes her head, "That's not wear we are going." She said chuckling.

We pull up to this gym and I give her a confused look, "Come on this place is like my home." I follow her into the gym and as soon as I enter I feel at home, Anna chuckles when she sees that I am comfortable. "Hey Jack!" She yells and some big buff dude walks out and not to say that I am jealous of his muscles would be a big lie to my self, He catches my stare and chuckles. I blush like a mad women. "He Anna, Who's the cutie?" He says and my blush intensifies. "I'm Alissa, nice to meet you." I say as I step forward sizing him up, he does the same, he nod's his had and grunts. "I'm Jack." He says as he sticks his hand out for me to shake, when I shake his hand I make sure I have a strong grip he takes notice of my strong grip and smirks down at me. 

"You're pretty strong for you're age don't you think?" He asked me with a big smirk on his face which makes me wanna smack him, "Strength isn't about age, it's about how strong you are and how good you are in the ring." I state, he nods his head than turns his attention to Anna, "Why did you bring her here to me exactly?" He asked with a chuckle, "I think she can take some of her anger out on you or some punching bags I am telling you this girl has a  hurricane of anger in her. She needs to turn it into a slight drizzle of rain." She said and that made Jack laugh. I crack my knuckles, "Come on what are you afraid of?" I say as I see disbelief in his eyes, He snaps his head towards he sees I have no regret or fear in my eyes, "Kid I want to train you how does that sound?" He ask's with a small smile playing at his lips, "Alright just don't go soft on me cause I am a girl okay?" I ask and he shakes his head, "No promises but don't ruin my face" He said with a straight face, "No promises." I say laughing I didn't notice that Anna left.

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