Shadow of The Day

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             I was listening to Linkin Park Shadow of the day and crying, today is my brothers birthday. And to celebrate I am going to his grave stone and sing happy birthday to him. I know why would I do that? Well he really cared for me. Unlike my Mom and Dad all they cared about was drugs and beer. I was crying because I miss him and my sister and listening to our song isn't helping anything. "WHY?!" I screamed as loud as I could but regretted that decision because someone was knocking on my door when I want to be alone.

         I open my door to see Joss. "Whats wrong I heard you scream?" He asked and came in my room shutting my door. "Just thoughts and him being gone." Joss nodded and hugged me. "Ready to go?" He asked with a sad look in his eyes. I nod in response, I grabbed the nice red rose off my desk to put on his grave. He always helped me plant things like roses, daisy's , and even veggies. 

        The walk is long so we grabbed water bottles for the trip. We walked in silence and sadness of the lost family member. Dylan and Joss would have gotten along. Dylan was my brothers name. Dylan P. Thomas my  partner in crime, my bff, and my brother. I started to tear up as soon as we got in front of his grave. "Ready?" Joss asked me and I nodded.  And we started singing Happy Birthday to him.

"Happy Birthday to you,

Happy Birthday to you,

Happy Birthday to Dylan,

Happy Birthday to you.."

        And right there is where I broke, all my feelings came out I was a emotional wreck. Joss hugged me. "Shhh, Its ok" He comforted me trying to calm me down. He would be 23 today. When I first stepped in here I could the warmth of my lost family members wrap around me in a big hug and when I got here in front of Dylan's grave I feel really warm as if he is still here with me. I sat down next to his grave. "Hey Dylan, I brought you a rose. I miss you, why did you leave me here? Why couldn't you take me with you?" I said through my sobs, Joss was holding me in his arms to comfort me. "Everything will be okay Alissa..." Joss coed which calmed me a little I turned in his arms to hug him properly.

          We sat in the cemetery talking to him for about a hour when my phone went off. I looked at the ID and saw it was Alex. I picked it up.

Alex: Where are you?

Alissa: At my brothers grave why?

Alex: Oh I'll talk to you later.

Alissa: K bye.

                With that I hung up. " I think you and Dylan would have been great friends." I tell Joss with a sad smile. He smiled back and kissed my head. "I think its time for me to take you back." Joss looked down at me with a warm smile that never fails to lift up my day. I nod my head in response. We walked back and I thought he was just dropping me off. I guess not cause we are both in my room hanging out and listening to music. 

           I heard someone knock on my door. "Occupied" Joss yelled and I hit him in the arm in a joking manner making both of us laugh. "Come in" I yelled and Alex walked in with a smile. "I hope you are taking good care of her." Alex said with a fatherly tone. Which made me laugh and Joss blush. Which made Alex laugh. "I'm joking with you man." Alex said "Can I join you guys?" He asked with a small smirk and me and Joss looked at each other and shrugged our shoulders and nod at him. "What do you guys wanna do?" I ask them with a small smile. "Truth or Dare?" Alex asked us. "Sure" Joss smirked, Let me say this. This boy is the dare king he will do anything! "Okay" I shrugged like its no big deal but I can't wait to see Alex reaction when Joss says dare with confidence.

          "Okay Alissa Truth or Dare?" Alex asked "Dare." I say casually . "Okay I dare you to kiss Joss." And then he winked at Joss as if they shared a secret, I shrugged and kissed his cheek. What? He never said where. "You never said where." I state before he could protest. "Alex Truth or Dare?" I ask with a plan forming in my head. "Truth" Well he sucks. "Is it true that you were making out with some blonde at school a few days ago?" I ask and he nods. Well then I guess it really was him. "Joss Truth or dare?" Alex asked with a smirk that showed that he was going to make a wrong choice with either Dare or Truth. And Joss smirked right back. "Dare" He said as if he didn't care. "I dare you to kiss Alissa on the lips." When he said that he glared at me.  Joss has been dared to do that before so there is nothing new about that. He kissed me with a short and sweet peck. 

            Alex sat there eyes wide and mouth hanging. I laughed and so did Joss. "That's a old dare for us I have been dared to kiss her many times." He said laughing and Alex just sat there surprised. I don't blame him. 

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