The Full Truth

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Song~Lele Pons-Celoso

Jack's P.O.V.

As soon as we are all sitting at the dining room table, I look over to see if everyone is comfortable. I know for a fact everyone is uncomfortable. I clear my throat before I start talking, "Okay so...I have some news," I look down I'm kind of terrified of their reaction, well Rick knows but Anna and Alissa don't know. I look up to see almost all of them with a risen eyebrow, everyone but Rick who has a look of boredom on his face, "I have been working with the underground, so what I do is illegal, and the guy that was here and put blood on my child's walls is someone who hates me for beating him in the championships a long time ago." I tell them and I look up to see them just sitting there. no reaction or anything, I mean I expected that from Rick, but not Anna and Alissa. Oh god, Alissa probably hates me, gosh she might not want me around the baby.

Alissa stood up and left the room, I was about to follow when Rick grabbed my arm and shook his head. "I should be in there with her! Let...Me...Go..."I told him through clenched teeth, my hands were in tight fists. He released me, "Trust me, she might not want to see you right now." Rick told me, well more like growled at me. I shook my head, "I don't care, she needs to know why I joined the underground." I told him before running into the baby's room. "I was going to tell you sooner..." She started, "It's not going to be easy knowing that you are working with the underground, but I can't and won't stop you. If you need a place to stay, you can stay I want I need you to stay here with me...I think...I don't know..."She mumbled the last sentence.

I walk towards her and wrap her in my arms, "il mio amore rimarrò." I told her, even though I don't think she will understand. She turned and gave me a questioning look, "For you my love I will stay." I kissed the top of her head. She smiled, "What language was that?" I chuckled at her, "Italian, Rick taught me, so I knew different languages, I know Italian, Spanish, Greek, and well English." I smiled at the memory of Rick getting pissed because I couldn't pronounce words correctly.

She looked up at me, "Say something to the baby in Spanish" She said happily, i chuckled at her excitement. I got down on one knee in front of her belly"Te amo mi hermosa niña"She smiled, "now what did you say because the baby kicked a lot more." She giggled. "I love you, my beautiful child." I kissed her belly.Suddenly I heard a 'awe' from the door way. I look up to see Anna and Rick smiling like idiots, something I would expect from Anna not Rick, "Hey Rick your emotions are slipping out a little." Alissa started laughing, Anna giggled, and Rick glared at me, I just chuckled and smirked. "Vedo che hai lavorato su di te parlando." Rick spoke in Italian. "Sì, ci ho lavorato molto duramente."I said back to him. (Translation Rick, I see you have been working on your languages. Jack, Yes I have worked really hard) Anna and Alissa looked at us in confusion.

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