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                              when I turned around I simply regretted that decision because the person I front of me now was Kayden my ex-boyfriend. He hates my guts, and I hate his. We don't talk to each other anymore what made him want to talk now? I need to find out and like now. "What do you want?" I said glaring at him even though he scares me. "Nothing just a friendly chat with you." He said his eyes sweeping over my body and stopping at some places. "Talk then while I'm right here." I growled at him. "Okay I messed up, I messed up big time can you forgive I know you don't wanna date that's fine but knowing I have forgiveness is good enough for me." I scoffed at that he just want's to crush me into million little pieces again. "No" I simply said in a monotone voice. "What? No? Why?" He asked dumbfounded "Because you just want to crush me into a million pieces." Next thing I know is I am being pinned up against the locker. "Listen up here Alissa I have been trying so hard not to yell at you but you are making highly difficult so one other thing that I have to say is, is that you are worthless a nobody no one cares or loves you. So why don't you do everyone a favor and die."

            'Yeah he's right I should die' I thought to myself. When he let go  ran out the front door all the way to a highway bridge  I grabbed my note book and started writing down things more likely a suicide note.

                                                                         Alex's P.O.V

                  When Alissa ran I punched that guy in the face I didn't like what he said to her so I defended her.

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