Starting New

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Two Weeks Later.

I was in he bathroom crying, not sure if it's happy tears or stress tears, or maybe both. I looked at the test one last time to make sure my mind. The pregnancy test came back positive,  I dried my tears and stand up. I walk out of my apartment and walk over to Jack's. 

I open his door and walk into his room, it's about 12AM and I am drained of all energy. I crawl into the bed carefully, but not careful enough because he woke up. "Hey baby." He said sleepily. 

I cuddle into his chest, crying more, "What are we going to do?" I ask him, "I don't know if I am ready." I cry even harder. 

He looked at me confused, "What happened?" He sat up pulling me up with him, he turned on the bed side lamp. "Hey baby talk to me..." He whispered rubbing small circles on the back of my neck to calm me down.

I looked up at him, "I took a test...we are going to be parents..." I whisper.

He looks at me like I grew three heads, "Are you serious?" He asked me.

"I wish I was joking..." I whispered. He sighed and wrapped his arms around me turning off the lamp and laying down with me in his arms. "What are we going to do? We don't have room for a kid." I tell him.

He tightened his grip, "Let's talk about this when we wake up tomorrow morning, and we can get a bigger apartment or a small house." He muttered. 

Soon enough we both feel asleep going into a dream like state.

The  Next Morning

I woke up in Jack's arms, he was still sleeping. He looks so calm and peaceful, "Didn't your parents tell you it's rude to stare..." Jacks raspy sleeping voice broke me from my thoughts.

I chuckle, "Yeah but I couldn't help my self, I am sleeping with a god looking human." He laughs and kisses my forehead, "Hey...Why the forehead and not the lips?" I pout and then his cover me and I smile and kiss back. "Okay let's eat and then start planning." I mumble and stand up going into the bathroom to rid of my dragon breath. 

As I walk out he is already cooking eggs, his messy hair and his muscles make me want to lock him away so no other women see him, the best part in waking up at his house, he is almost always is never wearing a shirt, right now he is just in boxers, man how I would love to ri-"Stop drooling and come eat, I know I am hot and all but jeez." He set our plates down on the table chuckling. 

I walk over to the table and sit on his lap, "You know there are chairs right?" He asked me laughing. "But the one I am sitting on is comfy." I tell him smirking, I start to squirm pretending to try to get comfy. I heard a growl rip through his chest, he gripped my hips, "Stop moving." I feel a bulge stat to grow I go to stand up, "Nope now you have to sit here." He whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine.   

"No! We need to talk and plan!" I exclaim at him, and he curses under his breath. 

As we are eating he pokes me, "You should grab your laptop so we can start searching for houses." He informs me with a smile. 

I smile back, "Can you believe it? We are buying a house together and starting a family, and we aren't even married and just got back together about three weeks ago." I tell him with a smile. 

He chuckles, "Yeah let's just hope Anna and Rick don't kill us." We both start laughing. 

We finish our food and cleaning up. I run over to my apartment and grab my laptop. I run back to his apartment and log into his internet. 

I start looking up houses, "Hey babe! I found a house, it's close to Anna and Rick, three bedrooms, a kitchen, a attic, a basement, and two bathrooms! In our room there will be a bathroom! And the appliances come with the house!" I yell he was in his room doing god knows what.

He came out, "For how much?" He asked with interest as we look threw the pictures.

I look at it, "$28,000. Are we going to be able to afford it?" I ask with a frown.

He looks at me, "Yeah we will, just move in here with me, and the money for your rent we can put in for the house, and half of the money I get from the gym I can put towards the house." He states.

I nod, "Should I call them to let them know we would like the house?" I ask looking up at him. Damn you for being so tall.

He thought about it for a moment, "Yeah see if we can make small payments on it." He tells me I nod my head and call the seller.

Jack's P.O.V.

I watch her as she stands up and calls the people selling the house, "Hi I was wondering about the house you put up for sale...Uh huh....Yeah I need a house, I can't stay in this one bedroom apartment, I need the house because I am about to have a kid...Thank you...Yes it is exciting...While me and my boyfriend were wondering if we can make small payments on the house?...Okay thank you very much, I am grateful for you doing this! Have a nice day." She hangs up and squeals. "We got the house!" She smiles!

I smile, "Now we have to start the payments, how much do they want a month?" I ask.

She looked at me, "$540 a month." She said, looking at me with happiness. Not bad.

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