Safe And Sound

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I was listening to It Has Begun by Starset  AMV that was Tokyo Ghoul (Video Above) I was humming it softly  when I heard someone yell for me, "ALISSA THE ADOPTERS WILL BE HERE SOON GET READY!!!!" I yelled an okay back, I dressed in a | - \ shirt (Twenty One Pilots), black skinny jeans, a red beanie, and some white converse. I walked down the steps and got into the line I was always last but this time Alex got to the end spot before I could. I popped in some ear buds Alex notice and shook his head at me but grabbed his phone and did the same. I guess we both need music to stay sane, I know I do. Anyone else No? No. Okay... I was listening to Dollhouse by Melanie Martinez. I love her music.

My name was called for some reason, I stepped into a room where I saw a man and a some chick. I frowned in confusion. Who are they? They look like they are rich. "Hi, I'm Anna and this is Rick." She said a smile forming on her face. "Um... Hi?" It sounded more like a question than a statement. "I'm Alissa." I told them they nodded, "How old are you?" Rick asked, "16" I answered, "What are you listening to?" Asked Anna. "Um... Immortals by Fall Out Boy." I told her I gave her a questioning look I have never been caught listening to music. She laughed I can see the wires. I nodded my head. "What's your interest in the future, like what do you want to do?" Rick.... Who lit the fuse to your tampon, you grumpy dude. "I was planning to be a doctor or a musician. But  doctor seems more likely." I said he nodded his head and finally showed a some what emotion.

"Who is your favorite band?" Anna asked, "Ghost Town." I said calmly. She smiled at me, I am so confused right now. "That will be all you are dismissed" Rick said, I said my goodbyes and walked out. I went to my room singing Mad Hatter by Melanie Martinez. When I heard a knock on my door. I opened it, I was shocked to see Anna and Rick standing there, Anna looking happy, Rick with the same bored and angered face. "We are taking you and some one else." She said I smiled. "Who else?" I asked, "His name is Alex." She stated with a big smile on her face, I gave her a shocked expression, wow this is going to be weird.

I sat Anna and Rick down on my bed. "Me and Alex are..." I didn't finish but Anna got it and told Rick, They didn't look surprised, I am so confused. " That's fine. And Rick I win this battle."  

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