No No No NO!

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Alissa's P.O.V.

I was at the gym punching the punching bags, the gym wasn't open but Jack gave me a key so I can come here when I am angry or bored. In this case it's both. My math test came back and I got a D- on it, and I had nothing else to do. As I am listening to I Think I'm In Love Again (Song above) my phone went off. I checked it, the text was from Jack.

J-Jack A:Alissa

J:Hey wyd (What you doin?)

A:Nothing much just at the gym murdering your punching bags

J: Lol great to know that I might need to buy new ones soon huh?

A: Possibly

J: I am on my way there now btw I was just wondering if you wanted to train today.

A: Sure I don't have anything else to do.

J: Awesome see you in 5

A: Brb

After about 10 minutes Jack decides to grace, no scratch that, annoy me with his presence. "Hey, why are you here?" He asked as he wrapped his hand with some bandages than threw me some boxing gloves while grabbing himself a pair. "I was a little mad, and very bored." I told him, he gave me a raised eyebrow, "What happened?" He asked. "I failed my math test and had nothing to do at home." I told him in a monotone voice which made him roll his eyes at me, "Don't roll your eyes at me mister!" I snapped jokingly, it made us both laugh. I study him while he was getting ready. He has nice blonde hair, grey eyes, he has a nice tan, muscles, and lot's of tattoos. "I'm gonna go change real quick." He said as he walked towards the changing rooms. I walked towards the punching bags.

As I am punching, I feel someone poke my sides. I squealed like a little kid and blushed. Jack was laughing, "Someone is ticklish huh?" He asked while chuckling. "No. No I'm not!" I defend myself, "You just scarred me." I mumble and climb up into the ring, "We gonna spar or are we gonna sit around?" I ask he gave me a surprised glance but climb into the ring and eased into a fighting stand. 

It felt like we were sparring for hours but it has been minutes, and we are both standing. I send a jab to his ribs which he blocks so I give him a round house kick to his right side, he stumbled and fell. to the ground I took my chance and pounced on him holding his arms down while straddling his hips so he can't kick me off of him. "Dang princess you got stronger than from when I first trained which was about a week ago. How is that even possible?" He asked with surprise, "Oh it's possible baby." I tell him and he rolls his eyes at me so I tighten my grip making him wince in pain, "Stop rolling your eyes at me you idiot and tap out already." I tell him but holding my ground, I am not getting off of him until he taps out.

He hits the ground three times showing he gives up and I stand up and exit the ring to grab a towel so I can wipe the sweat off of me. "Oh no you don't." Jack says and grabs me by the waist and pulls me back into the ring with him. "You've got to be kidding me." I say with annoyance lacing my voice, "Nope." He says popping the 'p' , I roll my eyes and ease into a fighting stance so does he. It's funny how comfortable we are with each other, we talk to each other like we have known each other for years, but only for a week. Halloween is on it's way and I am excited. I know. I know, Halloween is for little kids but hey who said I can't play some games. (Insert evil face here) I had recently dyed my hair to a medium teal. I desperately needed to dye my hair. Jack didn't like the idea of me dying my hair at all.


"I still don't like your hair." He said as we enter his car, we were boxing for  a good while. "And why should I care?" I ask with irritation, he chuckled. "Because whether you like it or not I am your favorite trainer." He said as if it's true, "Your my only trainer." I say rolling my eyes. He laughs, "That's true." Pound The Alarm by Nicki Minaj came on and I sang along with the radio going way off cord making Jack laugh. "Sing with your real voice." He said over my terrible voice than I sang with my real voice which made him smile.

"You have a very good voice." He told me smiling, "Thanks." I say blushing looking down. "Hey I mean it." He said, "I know." I say still looking down blushing.  The car came to a stop and I noticed we were at a ice cream parlor. I gave him a confused look. "I thought you did well and you deserve a treat." He said looking away, I pinched his cheek, "Aww thank you! But don't go to soft on me now." I say jokingly and get out of the car.

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