I Still Carry On

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A/N--Don't worry the story shall go on, I have many plans for this book. Yes there will be a second book this is going to be a series. The song above is Carry On Wayward Son~Kansas. You might have heard it on Supernatural. WHERES MY SAM AND DEAN FAMILY AT?! *Coughs* Okay let's get to the story shall we?

Two Months Later.

Jack's P.O.V.

I messed up, big time. I realized that after I seen the note. I miss the way she smiled at me. I miss the cocky attitude she had. I miss her anger issues. I miss her. We still talk, she hasn't fully forgiven me yet, but we have made progress. And I should thank my lucky stars she stills wants to be friends. I miss the times when I would wake up with her in my arms, and have to wake her up for work. I'm glad she is doing fine on her own.

I helped her get her own apartment, I know the guy that owns my apartment complex, so he is giving her a deal. A two bed room apartment for only $120 a month, usually that would have been $220 a month. She works full time at the gym now, instead of part time. As far as I know she has stopped cutting her wrist. 

I was interrupted from my thoughts by a knocking on my door. I get off the bar stool, and answering it. A smile graces my face as I see the most beautiful human being I have met. "What do I have something on my face?" Alissa said blushing and looking down. I am proud to say I still have that affect on her. 

I shake my head chuckling, "No, you just still surprise me." I look down at her and she has a look of confusion. 

She shook it off, "May I come in? It feels awkward to talk to you outside of the apartment...' She said trailing off. 

"Oh uh, yeah come in. You know you can just walk in right? I am okay with that." I tell her walking into the kitchen. "Want something to eat or drink? I have peach tea, water, orange juice, coffee." She shakes her head at me.

"I actually came to tell you some stuff about me..." She looked down, "I feel like I can trust you enough to tell you these things, Anna and Rick already know this, I told them after a month of leaving them." She told me looking at me like she wanted to cry.

I walk towards her wiping away her tears that escaped, "You can tell me, I promise no one will ever know about our conversation." I tell her with a serious expression.

She took a deep breath then sighed, "When I was four, my Abusive Mom and Father, became addicts, my Father wanted his alcohol, my Mother wanted her drugs. Left my Sister and Brother to take care of me. One night we got into a car crash, killing everyone but me." Her face had a steady stream of tears. I tried to stop them all. I hugged her and she cried into my chest for a good minute or two, then pulled away. "Sorry..." She mumbled.

I looked at her like why are you saying sorry. "Don't be, thank-" She cut me off by putting her hand in my face.

"I'm not done yet. After being at the adoption center, I became a juvenile delinquent, skipping school, and stealing things from stores." She looked down ashamed of her self. "Then Alex came into my life, he brighten everything up. I was very happy to have him around, but it wasn't what I thought it was. Anna and Rick came into my life before me and Alex broke up. He turned into the demon he is now after me and him. Then I met you..." She trailed off for a second   as if she needs to collect words to form a sentence, "You made a light in that dark tunnel called life, and it is still there." She looked up at me with pleading eyes, begging me to say something. I couldn't I was to shocked. How? After I hurt her and she still sees so much hope in me.

"Say something please!" She plead.

"Why?" My question threw her off guard. "Why do you still see a light after I hurt you?" I look at her wanting to cry myself, gosh she really makes me do things I never do that much in front of me.

"I think you regret your decision very much. I see it every time I look at you." She looked at me, then puts her hand on my cheek. "I still love you."

I was taken aback by what she just told me, I grab her hips and pull her on my lap and smash my lips on hers. She returned it with the same passion and desire. It feels like the first time we kissed but better.

She pulled away putting her forehead against mine, "So what now?" She asked me keeping her eyes closed.

I look at her, her eyelashes are long and full, her lips soft like a cloud, "How about we go on a date?" I ask her.

She opens her eyes, "Time and date please." She asked with a small smile.

"Tomorrow at 6PM?" I ask her with a hopeful smile.

She nods her head, "That's for me. Wait what about the gym?" She asked looking confused and angered. Yeah I missed the mixed feelings she has.

"I can close early." I told her kissing her on the cheek. I'm glad I get this second chance, I need her more then I had thought. I love her so much that it hurts. That's what scares me, is this feeling I feel right now. That's why I did what I did, I was stressed and scared. I needed a escape from reality, and everything that had happened that morning made things worse. So I got drunk and found some random chick, and had the worst time of my life, that I regret so much. I am glad she still wants to be near me.

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