The Birth

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Alissa's P.O.V.

I was laying down on the bed when I suddenly felt something wet, I look down to see my water had broke. I guess I have been preparing myself for this moment. I have been having contractions for two long fucking days, so I am ready for my tiny human being to  be born. "Oh God okay, okay, okay, I need to call someone! I need to get a ride to the hospital and quick!" I grab my phone and call Jack, I mean he is the father he should be here for this! 

After a few rings he finally answers, "Hello?" His voice deep and kinda scary. "Jack it's me, the baby is coming I need a ride to the hospital!" I yell. I here him move around that metal banging together telling me he is already coming over, "I'm on my way don't worry I will only be a few short minutes!" He says excitedly. 

Jack's P.O.V.

This is actually happening, I mean its late but it's happening! I have never been so excited in my life, fights don't compare to the feeling I have now! I was speeding, I had to get there before the pain starts. Soon enough I pulled in front of her house, I rush in and help her to the car. After I made sure she was comfortable in the back seat, I run into the house grabbing a bottle of water for her and her overnight bag. I rush back to the car hand her the water bottle, she looks at me confused, "You will lose a lot of energy while giving birth, drink some water it will help replenish the lost energy." She nods her head and sips on the water as I speed through the streets to the nearest hospital. 

After our arrival, she was hissing in pain and cursing me for impregnating her, "You stupid bastard, I swear to god, I will never ever let you in my bed again! Especially after this!" She yelled from pain and anger. "Yes I know I'm an asshole, but I called Rick him and Anna are on their way!" I filled out the papers and handed it to the receptionist and she said a doctor will be here in a minute, "I don't have a damn minute! This baby want's out right now!" Alissa screams at the poor women, people start look over at us and most of them are trying to bite back their laughter, and honestly I don't blame them. 

Rick and Anna Bust through the hospital doors, "Alissa darling," Anna tries to calm her down, even though she actually hates her. They have a really weird relationship. Alissa looks past Anna and goes towards Rick, grabs him by his collar, hell I don't even have the balls to do that! And says this in a way that made me flinch, "You and Jack best get me a doctor soon, or I will knock all this shit over, and than chop  off all the balls in the male human species. If you think I am lying, than I dare you to test me." She growled me and Rick instantly put our hands over our crouches to protect them from her wrath. 

I walk over to the desk and choose to beg the poor women, "Listen, is there a room open here, and a nurse, my balls are on the brink of life and death because she wants to chop them off, please help a brother out. I don't want to die just yet."  The lady nods her head and gets us a room and a nurse. 

A red headed nurse, she looked at me and licked her lips, which pissed off Alissa, "Helloooo, I'm in pain and I'm pregnant with his kid so hurry it up!" Jealousy looked good on her. I smirked, "Please help her or I won't have balls." Rick tried to hide a  smirk, knowing all to well she would kill me. I looked over at her, she seemed unstable, no balance, I go over to her and pick her up bridal style, "Put me down! Damn you, you fucking sexy hunk of meat!" My smirk widens, "Oh, I'm sexy? I thought you didn't like me like that anymore mi amore?" (My Love) Blush spreads across her face and I notice she isn't paying any mind to the pain. 

The nurse leads us to a private room, I lay her down on the bed. The nurse said she couldn't give her anything for the pain without a doctors permission. We waited about a half hour for a doctor to come in and start the process of the birth. He and a few nurses and me help her sit up as they injected her with some wire looking needle into her back. We lay her back down and she grabs my hand tightly, I can tell she is scared. Hell, I am too! If there is anything I have learned though about the time apart from her, is that this is my only way to redeem myself in her eyes, get her and the baby safely home in their beds with full bellies. 

She was screaming as the doctor was telling her to push, my hand was dying in her clutch. I leaned down and whispered, "You got this, you're strong, beautiful, talented, and most importantly you will be a great mother. You can do it just a few more pushes baby girl." She started shaking her head crying in agony, "It hurts! It hurts!" She yells as she balls her eyes out. It honestly pains me to see her like this, and to know that I'm the one that put her through this is worse. I got her pregnant, so I caused her pain. Not only physically, but mentally. I shouldn't even call myself a man, because I am not one. Not after what I have done to her. 

I started to massage her head a bit, play with her hair, trying to relax her. "I can see the baby, just two more pushes!" He yells out, "On three I need you to push as hard as you can for me. Okay, 1, 2, 3. Push!" He shouts out and Alissa is pushing with all her might, "Okay just one more big push and than we will be done okay?" Alissa nods her head frantically, "Okay, 1, 2, 3, push!" She pushes and we start to hear crying, I look up from Alissa and see the baby in the doctors hands, "Can I cut the cord?" I ask them timidly. The doctor nods his head, and a nurse hands me some scissors they show me where to cut and I cut it. A smile forms on my face but the nurse says something which throws me off guard, "Sir I think there is a second one, should we stitch her up and do a C-Section?" I look over at her, she looks panicked, "Why a C-Section? Is something wrong?" She says crying from fear and pain. The nurse looks at her, "We want to prevent that miss, the way the baby is laying, if we give a push birth it could cause for it to be strangled by the umbilical cord." Now I'm panicking, "Well do it! Do the C-Section! Do not let my child suffocate!" Everyone looked at me, I have tears running down my face, at the thought of losing one of my kids." Alissa looks at me, "We got this, do the C-Section ASAP." Alissa orders them.

We had to be moved to a bigger area in the hospital, they numbed up Alissa so she wouldn't feel all the pain, I watched as they cut her open and pull my kid out, they cut the cord this time because it was more difficult. The baby's cry was loud and when they stitched up Alissa, she was knocked out, I panicked. "Okay is she okay? I need her in my life so is she going to be okay?" I questioned the doctors as the nurses took off with my baby leaving me panicked, scared, and pissed that they took my baby and not let me know the gender. The doctor told the male nurses to take her to her room and hook her up to some pain meds so she won't be in a lot of pain when she wakes up, "She will be fine, she is just exhausted from the birthing process." He explained to me nice and calm which helped, "Okay well wheres my kids? I want to see them, hold them! Hell I want to know the genders!" I start yelling. The doctor nods his head and signals me to follow him. We look through a glass where I see my babies being weighed and measured, than a tracker was placed on their feet just for safety. "Since the mother fell asleep we found is best to do the necessary things now, trust me the women never wanna let go of their child after birth. So if they fall asleep we try to get all the measurements than as quickly and safely as possible so the mother, father, and children can bond without a lot of interruptions, now I need to ask is it okay if we circumcise him?" I nod my head and the doctor claps his hands together, "Okay well what I'm going to do now is leave you with the baby girl, and I will go do my job with the boy! He will  be back in your arms safely soon!"

I walk to where Alissa is staying, I sat right next to her bed waiting for her to wake up.

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