Chapter 29

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Macy's P.O.V.

It's game day, meaning that the school week is finally over.

I haven't talked to Lamelo since Monday, and honestly, I'm kind of happy he hasn't tried to talk to me. In fact, none of them really have, all except Gelo. I'm guessing he feels really bad, I mean, him and I did get along pretty good, especially after Melo and I started dating. He was like an older brother to me, the one that I didn't have. Even when Lamelo and I got into a small, stupid argument, Gelo would side with me, resulting in me usually winning.

I miss hanging out with him, but what he did was almost as bad as what Lamelo did, and I can't let go of that, yet.

Besides all the drama in my life recently, I couldn't be happier to get out on the court, and play my game. It's like my get away, my happy place. When, for an hour, everything else in the world, doesn't matter. It's just me, and the game.

Surprisingly, with all of this drama, nothing has effected my game. That's a good thing, though, I can't let teenage drama have an impact on my basketball career. If I did, I'd be playing like I've never held a basketball before in my life, and I can't let that happen.

My team and I just got done with warm ups, and now we're sitting on the bench, waiting for our names to be called.

Tonight, is the night that I don't need to worry about the drama in my life, all I need to do, is play the game I love.


Thirty seconds are left on the clock, we are down by one, and my teammate just rebounded the ball, passing it to me.

I dribble down the court, crossing some girl from the other team, receiving an excited reaction from the bleachers. I pass the ball down to one of my posts. A girl got on her, so she passes it out to the girl in the corner. She chucked it across the court, to our teammate on the wing, who was now blocked, resulting in her passing it to me.

I looked up at the shot clock, seeing that I have five seconds left to shoot the ball. All around me, I hear people yelling "SHOOT IT!" So, that's what I did.

I watched the ball arch through the air, my anxiety kicking in. What if I miss it, then my team will be so mad at me. I'll be embarrassed.

I shake my head, stopping the thoughts running through it. I continue watching the ball, in the silence of the gym. Within seconds, I hear the swoosh! of the net. A giant smile appears on my face, as I run to the bench with my team, shouting and hugging all of them.

After we got done telling the other team good game, my team and I started to walk towards the locker room. But, of course, right before I walked through the door, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around, and saw Lamelo standing there, looking nervous.

"Um, you did great out there Mace. Nice three at the end, good win," he said, giving me a small smile. Honestly, seeing him couldn't ruin my current mood, nothing can after I win a game.

"Thanks," I answer, smiling big at the thought of our win.

"Yea, no problem."

It was awkwardly silent for a few seconds, so I decided to break it.

"Well, I gotta go change, but, um, good luck with your game," I tell him.

"Yea, thanks," he said, turning around and walking away.

That went better than I thought it would.


Of course, I always stay to watch the boys play. Not just for Melo, Gelo and them, I just like watching the boys play. They're a really good team, although tonight, they're not doing so hot, especially Lamelo.

He's missed over half of his threes, he has like three fouls, and it just got to half time. The boys are down by six, and I can tell that Lavar isn't to happy with that fact, especially with how Lamelo is playing.

Watching him play like this kind of makes me feel bad. What if it's because of me? Am I really messing up his game?

I sigh to myself, as I come to the conclusion that he isn't playing like his usual self, because of what's going on in ours lives at the moment.

Maybe I should talk to him. I'm not going to forgive him, but I can tell him that I'm not as mad. Which, thinking about it, I'm not. I'm still just, shocked, that he did that to me. With a full week to think about it, he needs to know that I don't absolutely hate him, I'm just not a big fan of him at the moment.

Yea, that's what I'll do, I'll go talk to. I think to myself, as I stand up, off the bleachers and start to head towards the boys locker room. I hope I don't regret this.

Do you even ball? ~Lamelo Ball~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon