Chapter Two

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Lisa's POV

"And this will be your skirt." I looked at it. Too short!

"Oh! Here's your necktie!" I just listened to Mommy while she's showing me my uniform. I need to wear it even though it's too body revealing.

"Go! Go! Wear them. I'm excited to see you wearing another new uniform!" Mommy pushed me lightly in my fitting room and I'm holding my clothes.

I first wear the blouse, it's too fitted that my front chest is..blah.

As I wore the skirt, I knew I won't be comfortable with it. Why does Korean's uniform so body revealing? Argh.

I wear my high socks. It's above the knee so I felt more comfortable. I tied the necktie because it's a necktie. K. Corny.

I went out my fitting room and saw Mommy politely waiting.

"Perfect!" She just said.

"You look like Sailor Moon, my baby. You just need a gloves and longer hair. Hahaha."

"No. I hate her body. So thin!" I said. That's true.

"'So thin, so thin.' She's sexy baby, just like you." And she held my wrist. Sailor moon is sexy? Huh. I would marry that someone who will say that. If there's someone. Hahaha.

"Wait, what's this?" She asked while looking to the bracelet.

"Uh, bracelet mommy." I said.

"I know. But Lisa, this is too expensive."

"I know right mommy. Hahaha."

"You bought this? This is a 25 carat bracelet."


"You don't know? This is... Don't wear this, Lisa. That's too dangerous to use publicly."

"But mommy."

"I will buy you another one."

"Kbye mommy. Gotta go! Love you!" And I kissed her and went to our car. Our driver drove for me.

"Lisa, we're here." Our driver said.

"Thank you!" I said and blessed to him. I don't want them to call me like, 'Young Lady', 'Ma'am Lisa' or such. Simply Lisa.

I looked at the whole front of my new school and sighed heavily. Fighting!

I walked slowly in the gate and observing my surroundings. This what it really feels when you're a newbie. Because you still don't know anything.

I already know where my classroom is. I just need to be calm. My teacher already know me and she's really good to me.

My heart didn't stopped in beating so fast instead it became faster when I entered our room. No one noticed me so I just silently seated in the chair with my surname.

I looked at our classmates. Some of them are also quiet, maybe a newbie like me. But some of them already have groups.

I rubbed my hand to make it warm because it's getting cold cause of nervousness. What the hell.

There's still 15 minutes to wait so I decided to listen to some songs. I am about to wear my headphones when two ladies noisily entered the class.

All of us looked at them but they didn't care and continued their noise. I remembered that I need to introduce my self. English or Korean? Whaaa.

I saw a rose in the corner of the cabinet beside me. I took it and started to count.

"Korean, English. Korean, English, Korean, English, Korean, English," I counted.

"Korean!" Argh! Why Korean!

I tantrum and I felt some people looked at me. So I stopped and just faced my head to the window.

"Annyeonghaseyo. Nae ileum-eun Lalisa Manoban-ibnida. Nae gugjeog-eun taegug-ibnida.... Yey!" I wrote it and started to memorize. "Hello. My name is Lalisa Manoban. My nationality is Thailand."

"Annyeonghaseyo. Nae ileum-eun Lalisa Manoban-ibnida. Nae gugjeog-eun taegug-ibnida." I still memorized.

15 minutes passed and the teacher came. Seems like she didn't noticed me. I was waiting for her to let me introduce myself but she just simply dismissed our class for us to have our break.

But that's an advantage for me. Hehe!

I am walking my way not to our canteen but to our restroom. My bladder is now about to explode.

I was very sure that there's no one inside. I was VERY SURE. But when I opened the first cubicle, I saw, I saw... What are they doing?

I felt like I've already inhaled all of my breathe. I looked at their hands while they are looking at me. I need to get out of here!

I ran away so fast and I forgot that I want to pee. I can't believe, I just saw two students making out inside the school!

Do I have to report it? But I can't remember their faces! I just remember what their hands were doing!



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