Chapter Sixteen

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Lisa's POV

"Do you know the game, 'My Favorite Song'?" Jin asked. We kept quiet as a 'no'.

"I'll explain it then. We will pass a clap onto each other's hands clockwise. We will sing, 'My favorite song is adam song, adam song. What is the name of your!"

"So, this is about first love?" Jungkook asked. I don't know but I felt him being bitter with the word, 'first love'.

"No. Not really. First, we will choose a word. And that word will be used in the last lyrics. Example. Food. What is the name of you!"

"Ahhh. Then?"

"As we sing the lyrics, you'll pass the clap and when it stopped, the last hand that received a clap will be the one
asked. You're not going to say the whole word. You just need to say the first letter. Example, water-- w!" Jin explained.

"That's it?"

"No. Then we will sing, a, b, c, d--until the letter revealed while passing the clap. Whoever's hand that had the last clap will be out. Gets?"  (Gets? XD)

We formed a circle and held hands for the clapping. I went between Jisoo and Rosé unnie.

"So, what's the word?" I asked.

"Favorite cartoon." Jimin suggested.

"My favorite song is Adam song..." We singed till it stopped on Jin.

"M." M?

"A, b, c, d, e, f, g..."

"You're out Jin! Hahahaha." We laughed.

"Next word... favorite song!"

"My favorite song is Adam song..."

"Jisoo unnie!" I exclaimed.


"A..." The song stopped on me.

"Ehhh. That's not fair!" I said.

"In that case, you need to go to 'z' first then continue." Jin said,

"Ahhh, okay. A, b, c, d, e, f, g..."

"Hoseok hyung, out!" Taehyung shouted.

"Rosé unnie, out!" I shouted.

"Namjoon hyung out!" Jimin shouted.

"Taehyung oppa, out!" I shouted. He looked shock but it immediately changed.

"Who's left?" I asked.

"Jimin, Jungkook, Jennie and Lisa." Yoongi said.

Jungkook held hands with Lisa but smiled first. Lisa smiled back. Jimin is at Jungkook's other hand and Jennie in Jimin's hand then Lisa on Jennie's other hand.

↙️      Jimin     ↘️
      Jennie                Jungkook
↖️️        Lisa     ↗️

"Word please.." Jimin suggested.

"Crush!" Jennie said and smiled wickedly at Lisa.

"My favorite song is Adam song, Adam song....."

"Lisa! Wahaha." Jennie laughed.

"Haay. Fine." I glanced at the other members that are watching us.

"J." I said as I looked into Jimin opp--wait.

That is Jungkook.

I mistakenly looked at Jungkook! Shit. What a mistake?!

I immediately looked away then started to sing..."A, b, c, d, e, f...."

I think he misinterpreted it.

"Jennie! Hahaha." Jimin said. She's out.


"My favorite song is..."

"Jungkook!" Jimin exclaimed.


"A, b, c, d, e..."

"Jimin, out!" Jungkook and I shouted and laughed.

"Okay. It's now just the two of you." Jin said intensely. "You can just hold hands instead of passing claps. Just move it like this," Jin demonstrated.

He held my hand and I felt an electricity that made me get my hand away from him unconsciously.

"I'm sorry. Jin hyung, can we just clap? I think she's not--"

"No no no. Let's do it like that." I immediately cut him off when he immediately apologized while panicking.

"What word?" He asked me.

"Let's give the best for the last. Let's use the original lyrics."

"What do you mean?" Jungkook asked.

"What is the name of your first love?" I emphasized the word 'first love'.


"My favorite song is Adam song, Adam song. What is the name of your first love?" I intentionally chose 'first love' for him because it's something to him. And luckily, the song stopped on him.

He didn't speak.

"We can just change the word--"

"No, hyung let me." Jungkook cut off Jimin.

My heartbeat became fast like a running horse.

Why? I'm Lalisa!



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