Chapter Forty

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The Last Chapter

Third Person's POV

"Lisa!" Taehyung cried as he tried to chase after Lisa's car. He left the bracelet that Lisa threw.

"Lisa please, hey! Lisa do you hear me?!" He still cried as he slam the car's window.

Obviously, Lisa can hear him but acted not. She still drove straightly avoiding to look at Taehyung on the window because she might stop the car and go back to him.

"Lisa, I love you! I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. Did you hear that? I love you!" He still tried to run as fast as how the car does.

He sobbed hardly as if there's no tomorrow. He cried like how children cry freely. He cried as loud as children's immature cry.

"Lisa, you heard me. But you didn't listen." He said as Lisa's car drove faster and left him.

He weakly sat on the ground with his eyes closed heavily, crying. He ruffled his own hair and kicked the ground. On his weakness, he ended up lying on the floor while sobbing. He covered his face and there, he loudly sobbed many times.

"Lisa...di--did y-you even thi-i-ink ab-b-out m-e? Di-id you eve-en thi-ink w-w-what might hap-p-en to m-e now a-are g-gone?" He said between his sobs.

After saying that, he cried loudly again adding many sobs to come out from his mouth.

It's already 2:00 am. Time passed by so fast.

He covered his eyes by his arms and imagined Lisa's face.

Happy, laughing, rolling her eyes, shouting, crying, talking and walking.

He faced the ground and he slammed it with his fist. He let out all of his anger and sadness but it isn't enough. His fist started to bleed but he didn't stopped.

"Did you e-e-even.." He stopped as the sob covered his voice. "Loved me, Li-i-sa?"


"What happened to you my Taehyung?" His mother asked him as she saw his eyes very swollen.

"Leave me alone." He coldly said and walked away.

"Where are you going again?!" His concerned mother disappeared.

"You don't care." He coldly answered and went to the door.

"I said where are you going, Taehyung!" His mother authoritatively shouted.

"Fine! I'm going to find Lisa!" He finally answered and faced his mother.

"Don't you dare! She's already 20! She can manage herself and she doesn't need you." His mother said.

"I don't care. If she doesn't need me, I need her." He said.

"We can find it with our hacking system, Taehyung. We can track her easily. You don't need to--"

"Shut up! I don't trust you anymore. I know that will be the easiest way to find her, but seeing her by myself is the happiest."

"You're being brainwashed, Taehyung!"

"Yes, I am! And that's my fault."

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