Chapter Three

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Lisa's POV

I sat on the bench I saw. I'm still on shock. Do I have to report it to the guidance? But I don't have such evidence.

I tried to calm myself while walking my way to our room. I'm like a crazy girl here holding my chest while whispering 'Forget that moment.' to my self.

In the corridor, I can already hear the noises from our room. It's better, I think. So that they wouldn't notice me.

But, when I entered our room, they all looked at me. My peripheral vision says it all because I didn't dare to look back at them.

But I didn't noticed that someone was going near to me. He held my chin to look at him.

I was so shocked that I stayed looking at him too. He's also in shock and then he shouted.

"You!!" He said and pointed at me as if he's declaring I'm a suspect.

My shocked eyes became a fierce and cold gaze. I looked at him 'head to toe'. They all gasped when I did that but I just remained my emotion.

"Don't point at me, mister." I said while straightly looking at him.

"You're brave huh. Maybe you didn't know what you did? Don't you remember me?" He asked.

"Shut up mister. Maybe I don't know what I did because I didn't do anything?" I raised my eyebrow. "And remember you? *chuckle*. You're handsome mister,"

I walked to him with my eyes pretending I feel disgusted going near him. "But you're silly." I said and again gave him a 'head to toe' glare then I rolled my eyes and went to my chair. I heard some of our classmates applauded but I don't care.

I hate those kind of guys. Pretending we've met before? Eww.


As soon as the class was dismissed, all of my classmates ran outside our room. It's not my attitude so I stayed calm and prepared to carry my bag. When I stood up from my chair, I realized there are still some of my classmates here.

I looked at them and scanned. That silly guy with five more guys and to the other side are two gorgeous ladies and all of them are looking at me.

"Hello Gorgeous Lady!" One of the five guys stand up and went to me. He's short but still taller than me. I saw the silly guy glared at this cute but short guy. Psh. Pride.

"Hello." I said and gave a sweet smile. I heard shrieks on the other side from the two ladies.

"What do you want?" I asked to silly guy.

"If I would say it, will you do it?" He asked me with a smirk. I'm not going to lie, he's so handsome with that pose but no reactions Lisa, okay?

"I won't do anything till I hear it." I said.

"Stay away from me." He said. I again looked at him with a fierce and cold gaze.

"Excuse me mister, Isn't that my line?" I said with matching pointing to myself. The five guys laughed at him.

"You got your commensurate, Jk!" One of those said.

"This is nonsense." I said and rolled my eyes. I walked out the room and I saw the two ladies amused by what I did.

Stay away from him? What is he even talking about? Psh!

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