Chapter Twenty-three

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Saved again

Lisa's POV

"Unnie~" I approached my Jisoo unnie who is lonely siting on her chair.

"Oh, hello Lisa. Hi Jennie." She greeted back and we seated beside her.

"Unnie~ ." I meowed like a cat beside her.

"What do you need Lisa?" she asked and looked at me.

"Am I that obvious?" I asked.

"No, you're not," She sarcastically answered. "What is it?"

"I just want to know if...are we free tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yes. We're always free to do whatever we want, we like—" she said with matching hand actions but I cut her off.

"Nooo. That's not what I meant to say, I mean, we always go to restaurant, to mall, to church together when free times. Tomorrow is Saturday. Do you have plans?" I asked.

"Why?" She asked again.

"I'll be going out with someone. Are we free?" I slowly asked.

"No! And will never be." She immediately answered and crossed her arms. Jennie unnie looked at me.

"Who are you going with?" Jennie unnie asked.

" Jungkook oppa." I shyly answered.

"What?! Then yes! Go!" Jisoo unnie immediately allowed.

"Really?" I asked in excitement.

"No. We'll go to the park." Rosé unnie suddenly went in the classroom. My shoulders fell down. Why are they like this?

"It's just a friendly date." I reasoned.

"Many things can start from friends." Rosé unnie said. I pouted.

"Then, I'll just let that 'something' to start." I said that made them look at me.

"Lisa!" Jennie silently shouted.

"What? Why are you even—argh. Why did I even ask permission to all of you? You won't let me anyways." I said and went to my chair. There the teacher came.


"Sorry I'm late."

"Come in, Mr. Kim."  Taehyung oppa went in the room. For me, it's awkward to enter class when you're late but to him, it's just like a normal thing.

He went inside without looking at no one. His eyes are focused on his way to his seat, which is beside me. I followed him by my gaze but he didn't even look at me. This is his personality, bipolar.

I always glance at him every minute but he's too focus on the lesson.

Is he?

*break time*

I went out the classroom first before my unnies. I walked fast and heard them shouting my name.

"Lisa!" I didn't look but normally I walked.

"Lisa." They are now beside me but I stayed looking at my way.

"Mianhae." Jisoo unnie said that I didn't understand. They whispered something to each other behind me but I didn't eavesdrop.

"We're sorry Lisa." Jennie unnie apologized which I hesitated to accept.

Why did I ignore them? Because they didn't allowed me to go out with Jungkook for tomorrow? Is that a valid reason?

"Hey, Lisa. We didn't want to stop you. We're just surprised. You know how did you and Jungkook interacted on the first day of class right? Then now you're going out together. Too quick Lisa. How is that?" Rosé unnie asked.

"It's just a friendly date. I told you already. We do go out together because we're friends. Why does it sound bad to you when it is Jungkook?" I asked irritatedly still not looking at them.

"Lisa. Jungkook is a guy. And—" Jisoo unnie wasn't able to continue her sentence. Jennie unnie said something to her that I didn't care. "Okay. Go out with him. You can. It's not our choice. It's yours and your mother. Why did you ask us?" Jisoo unnie questioned.

"Because, I thought we'll have our bonding time tomorrow. If I will go with Jungkook without your knowledges, I might miss the bonding." I said and seated on a chair on the cafeteria.

"It's alright. Yes we do have bonding time tomorrow. But I think you can manage your time. Go on our bonding first then go out with him so you can enjoy the both date. Okay?" Rosé unnie suggested while they are seating, I agree so much.

"Yes. That's a good idea." Jennie unnie said.

"Excuse me for a while. I'll just head to the restroom." They allowed me and I took my way.

I am already washing my hands when I noticed something inside a cubicle.

I looked under it and saw a guy's pair of shoes. I was shocked and stood properly until it opened. It's a guy. In a ladies' restroom?

"Wh-Whoa." I was surprised that I just stared at him. He stared at me also and smirked. An evil one.

He pinned me into the wall and leaned his face closer to mine. I was about to shout when he covered my mouth. What a bad smelling hand!

I glanced at the open door of the restroom and he noticed what I did so he left me quickly and locked it. He went back at me and pinned me again. This time, he held my wrist and placed it above me.

He leaned really really close to me that I can smell him, bad. I turned my face to the right to avoid him but he harassingly held my jaw and made my face turn to his. He's still holding my jaw that made my one wrist free.

I am about to punch him when the door lock ticked.

We both looked at it until it opened.

"What the fuc—" this bad smelling guy was about to cuss when he punched him really hard. I can feel it because he landed on my feet. I immediately walked away but he held my one foot. I tried to let go of it but I can't.

He kicked the bad smelling guy that made him let go of my foot. I slowly hid behind him, feeling safe in that place.

He went to the bad smelling guy who is lying in the floor. He seated above him and punched his face many times. I bit my lip; I can feel the hardness of his fists.

"Go away from her!" he shouted and let go of the bad smelling guy. He immediately ran outside. I can clearly remember his face.

He stood up and went in front of me. I gulped.

"Are you alright?" We both asked to each other at the same time. I gulped the awkwardness.

"I'm alright." He answered and fixed his uniform and shook off little dusts on it.

After that, he looked at me. He scanned me from head to toe. He fixed my unconsciously folded sleeve. He looked down and saw my uniform a little bit raised that revealed my skin. He fixed it gently and I just looked at his eyes.

He sighed heavily satisfied in my look.

"Thank you so much, Taehyung." I thanked and smiled brightly at him. But it slowly disappeared when he didn't reply nor smiled back.

I saw him looked down at my lips and immediately looked away. And there, he left me without any words.




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