Chapter Five

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Lisa's POV

"Hey!" I'm about to enter the gate of our school when someone shouted.

"Why?" I asked Jisoo. She's the one who shouted.

"Would you mind if we'll enter the room together?" She asked.

"Oh, yeah. Sure, but wait. Where's Rosé?" I asked again.

"Oh, don't mind her. She's safe." She said. I just nodded even though I'm not asking if she's safe with my question. I'm asking if where is she.

"Will you start a fight again?" She suddenly asked.

"Fight? What fight do you mean?" I asked.

"Duh. With Jungkook." She said and rolled her eyes.

"We didn't fight." I said.

"Then what did you do with him yesterday in the room? Cuddling?"

"Cuddling?! Ew!" I said. I tried to imagine it briefly but I can't.

"So you had a fight." She said confidently.

"For me, it's not a fight. It's just simply defensing myself."

"Oh." She just said. Speechless. Right at the moment, we entered the room. What funny is, the six guys are already there. I mean, only them.

So, I just sat on my chair awkwardly. Jisoo is about to go to her chair but I held her wrist and whispered..

"Don't leave me here, it's not time yet though." I said.

"Okay." And she sat beside me.

It's just weird that the six guys--err Bangtan is quiet. I tried to look at them and I just saw Jungkook staring at me. He slowly rolled his eyes to avoid my gaze and totally turned his back to me. What is that?

"I think he's scared of you now." Jisoo whispered.

"Scared of me? Is that even possible?" I whispered back while smirking.

I looked at them again and scanned every one of the Bangtan members. They look like a losers, not kidding. As if they're having a big problem in their life. Isn't yesterday, they were so happy?

"Make 'em whistle like a missile, bomb bomb." Someone with a warm voice entered the room.

"Ros---!" Jisoo suddenly covered my mouth as I try to call Rosé.

"Shhh." Jisoo whispered.

"Pasta!" She called her and Rose immediately turned her face to us. Pasta?


"Join us." Jisoo said.

"Isn't Rosé your real name?" I asked her.

"Yes it is." She answered quickly.

"But why did you...?" I pointed at Jisoo. She put her head closer to us and whispered.

"Bangtan will know." She whispered.

"So what if they will know your names?" I asked with one eyebrow raised.

"They knew that I and Rosé have been hating them. We're the only two ladies here in the whole school who would not fangirl over them." Jisoo said.

"Then?" I asked for continuation.

"Then you came. As soon as you raised your eyebrow and rolled your eyes to Jungkook, we already felt that you're added to the Bangtan enemies."

"You know, I really don't want to hate them. I never wanted to be a hater. Maybe I can be Jungkook's hater but not Bangtan's. We can't generalize our hate if we don't know who they really are." I said.

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