Blowed up Plan prt.1

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Freddy's POV
HELL! ITS ZACK'S DAD! so me and Zack run through the back door while i tossed him his bag then zack's dad keeps running after us so we both think the better way is to use our bikes.Since Zack don't have a bike he just used my bike.And asked him why are u running away? "U don't understand Freddy he's a bastard he left us!" zack told me everything then we took a rest for a while in the tree.

Then Zack's Phone rings "Who's it?" i asked him."My dad." he replied."Go answer it bro!" i said."Ok." so he answer his dad "ZACK were are u im worried i need u home im sorry zack can u talk about this?" zack's dad told him."No way im forgiving u you left us and u never even care,plus why did u  come back we don't need you!" then zack hangs up the phone and throw it.

The next day some posters where hang infront of our house and i think there finding Zack then i call him."Zackkk! come here." i said."What?- no way are they finding me?!" zack said."Yes u can see ur ugly face all over the street." i said trying to lay a joke."No time for jokes help me freddy." he told me."Wait were not going to school?" i asked him."No." he replied.

Meanwhile at William B.Travis Prep..
Tomika's POV
I was worried about Zack IDK what happened to him i gotta cut this class again mr.finn is out still sick i don't wanna be stuck in math for the rest of the month so i ask summer if we can both find the boys and she agree with it,of coures we asked Lawrence for help."You sure here guys u just cutted class yesterday." lawrence asked."No time keep distracted while we go out using the window." i told him and he agree with it.Then me and Summer headed into Freddy's house and there not there so we just go to there secret hideout in freddy's tree house which is located at his backyard."BOYS!" Summer Shouted."What r u two doing here?" asked zack."And whats wrong with ur face all around the town?"summer asked."That's me like 6yrs ago." zack told summer."Boops u look ugly." i said then everyone laugh except Zack."What guys ur gonna help me or ur just gonna laugh at me." he replied."Yeah of coures we are zack." Tomika replied.

Tomika's POV
Hey guys i know what the right thing to do let's told zack's dad were he is i told everyone except zack."Guys what are u talking about?" zack asked."Nothing zack." we all replied.
Then we keep working on our own plan trying not to blow it up.

What do u think will happen next??

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