Goodbye Zack

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Zack's POV
Its too late the plane took off and i never got to see her ever again i texted and called her but she blocked my number,how can i settle this.

After several hours we reached Korea and i didn't bother talking until we reached our new house,i just remember that i need to tell my mok why did she lied to me so i asked her that we both need to talk privately and i said."Mom why did u lied to me!?" then she replied "I lied becaus  i want things to be better." and i replied "TORTURING ME IS BETTER?! LIKE U DONT EVEN CARE!!" i shouted and go up to my room.

Every day,every night i think about tomika its hard to tell that i hate her or i love her,i need to go back in new york and make things right,but i guess my mom know what im trying to do so she gave me a bodyguard to make sure that i don't leave the house even at school!

Tomika's POV
Back in New York..
I walk to my locker which i supposed to share with zack now its empty the only thing left is a piece of paper so i grabbed it and read,it says "i love you tomika no matter what happens your always be mine the only girl that i fell for the only girl who makes my day special my crush tomika." after i red it i rear goes down to my eyes then i close the locker and go in the classroom then freddy asked where the heck is Zack then i replied "In korea" then freddy said "What the-?" then summer cuts "Dont even ask why." then we keep attention on what the heck mr.finn is saying after the class i headed to summer's house then we talk a lot lately then she told me that shes leaving after this school year.I feel sad so she gave me a bracelet that says best freinds forever then we hugged each other.

Zack's POV
I go nuts to my new school i cant even understand the language ok maybe i can speak a little but not that much! so luckly i find my new friend Mike he's nice though we always hang out but seriously i never forgot about my plan about tomika.

I Know this chapter is short but i make sure the story was cool...

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