Delaying at Freddy

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Freddy's POV
I was calling Zack earlier before the sun rises up,i told him we should go skateboarding at 4am today he won't pick up his phone..

I asked his dad if he is at home but his dad se he's not in the house,so there is only one place Zack will be..At TOMIKA'S HOUSE! duh..It's obvious! it's his girlfriend..I was looking outside the house of Tomika when i saw Zack standing beside the window bedroom of Tomika opening the curtains.I waved my hand at that idiot but i cannot tell if that dude is awake or sleeping,his eyes were like shut even he is awake not necessary for Koreans.

"HEY!" i shouted."HEY! DUDE!" i cannot caught his attention,so i only have one choice..I'm gonna throw the sandwhich that Summer made me when i passed her house."Sorry Summer's sandwhich.." i gave it a last words and throw it on the window.It attracts Zack and Tomika's attention,but mostly it leave a nasty stain on the window.

I was standing on the door when Zack opened the door."Wait...Bro you were sleeping with hrhmshmm..?!" i said looking at Tomika."Yea why?" he scratch his head."Is it legal?" i ask him with my stupidness."Why tough? something wrong?" he look at me."No..But make sure you guys aren't you know!" i do my hand expression."WHAT THE FRIK DUDE!" he punched me in the arm."So actually my purpose here is YOU! you didn't showed up!" i push Zack inside."I'm busy! i have to delay,i promise Tomika that i will help her study." Zack said."But you promise!" i said."I'm sorry dude,maybe tomorrow." he was about to shut the door when i stopped him."But about the double date?" i ask him."Sure i'll tell her about it." Zack said as he shut the door.I can't believe that dude..

Meanwhile at Tomika's POV
So i went downstairs when i heard Zack is talking to someone."Hey who's that?" i ask."It's just Freddy." he shrugged."Your not lying right?" i grab his arm."O-of course not!" Zack said removing my hand at his arm."If i knew that you'd lie,i'll broke your bones into pieces!" i gave him a fierce look."Okay okay,i'll tell you geez babe your scary,Freddy asks me to play skateboard with him today but i delay on him since i made a promise that i will help you on your studies." he explained."Well that explanation is kindda reasonable for me,but thanks babe." I hug Zack."I wanna ask you a thing." Zack said scratching the back of his neck."Can you go out with me tomorrow on a double date?" he ask me."Yea,but who's going to be the other pair?" i ask."Freddy and Summer." Zack said smiling."That's great! but before anything...Is Freddy still there?" i ask Zack."No he left." he reply."Tell him i am going to crush his face,for throwing a sandwhich in my bedroom window." i said."Take it easy babe.." he said."How about after breakfast let's start studying?" i ask him."Sure." i put his arm around my neck and lead me to the kitchen.

"So what's for breakfast?" he ask."You gonna have to cook,i dunno how to cook." i said scratching the back of my neck."Ohh..gosh.." he stand up from his seat and get the pan and start cooking."So watcha cooking?" i ask."Just pancakes.." he said while flipping the pancakes."Woah! you can flip pancakes like that?!" i was amazed."Yea,my dad tought me how." he said smiling."Well i was expecting your mom or your sister..But oh well." i shurg."Why don't you know how to cook?" he ask."Everytime i cook my brother always tastes it before serving,and he said its definately not for human comsumption." i said."Ohhh." he said.

After breakfast,me and Zack go to the living room and start studying.It was a whole lot of boring math discussion he made."So you know now what is the purpose of x?" he ask."What is x? i mean why does it always have to be x,why can't it be something else!?" i exclaimed."Because it is irrevelant." he said."What is that???" i ask."AH! GOSH..I explained for an hour and you didn't even remember one." he do a face slap makes me giggle at him.

"You know what is the perfect formula?" i ask him."What?" he reply."You plus me equals forever" i smiled while hugging his arm."Well i guess that's a great formula!" he widened his eyes and smiled."Thanks for teaching me...Even i didn't understand a thing." i smiled."Lol you never learned anything..." he said."Ahh..Well i learned to love you😊"

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