Welcome Paris!

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Tomika's Pov
I looked at the window and i saw Zack i went down hurriedly and gave him a quick high five."Tomika wait!" Zack stopped me."Do you really need to take a vacay to Paris?" he asked."Yes why?" i asked."Cuz even though were good and back as friends,i know saying sorry is not enough i want to make it up to you actually...But since your leaving i can't." he said."Well maybe some other time dude i don't wanna miss this chance to get in Paris i'm really sorry." i pat his shoulder and went inside our car.To be honest i feel really bad about leaving..

Zack sit infront of the sidewalk looking at our car as we leave then i saw Freddy and Summer sit beside him.I feel really sad cuz u don't really wanna leave Austin but i wanna refresh my mind that's it.I put on my headphones and listen to music the next thing i saw is we're already in the airport my brother slap me in the face to wake me up.

I get down and put down my head phones to my neck,i went in the plane with my  mom and my brother.When the plane starts to left the ground i listen to music and keep myself busy.i slept for about hours then the next thing i saw is that were already on Paris i got too excited that i jumped out of the plane.

I was walking with my mom and brother to the car when my phone rings its Summer i answered it."TOMIIIKKKAAA!!!" she screamed."Hey sum i'll call you back ok?" i replied then hang it up.I walk inside the car to the hotel that were going to check in.

I was so excited to see the people the place and the foodssss! YEY FOOD! i told my mom that i'm gonna walk around outside first she allowed me so i quickly run outside i was runniny too fast when i bumped into someone holding a coffee and accidentally spill it on his shirt.

"WATCH WERE YOUR GOING!" he exclaimed."Sorry sir!" i apologized then he suddenly calmed down and apologize on me instead."I-im..Sorry for shouting the coffee was just really hot." he scratch the back of his neck as i akwardly said."Its..ummm..Ok." i look on different directions to avoid eye contact cuz the akwardness remember?

"How about umm...i'll just treat you a coffee! is that ok?" he asked."Umm...Well..I was gonna..." i was thinking deep and akwardly."Umm..I guess its ok?" i replied."Ok that's cool! im Liam" he actually said his name."I'm umm..Tomika." i said as we both shake our hands while my hand is litterally shaking cuz im nervous and my smile is akward.

"Let's go?" he take my hand."Umm..YEAH!" i raised the hand that he was holding on then while i was talking i kept using gestures."You know..Umm..OH NO LOOK I'M LATE FOR SCHOOL SORRY I CAN'T GO WITH YOU!" i hurriedly find a stupid excuse to get off that akward spot."WAIT! ITS SATURDAY!!" he exclaimed,but i didn't bother looking back.

"She's wow beautiful,but her name doesn't fits her."

Well that was a great relief! i smiled and walk positively on the streets again i enjoy walking but stupid me i forgot my wallet in the hotel😑(great Tomika,just great!) i said to myself.

I was so busy walking around i didn't hear my phone rings when i checked it,it was from Zack and Summer it says that i havw 50missed calls i didn't bother it cuz i know that's not really important.I continue walking and exploring around.It was fun here in Paris such awesome views and different things to see.

Then i realize the time has gone by..I didn't realize that i already forgot my hometown back in Austin my friends.....

Then i decided that i have 5 weeks before i get back in Austin,this is where i met my boyfriend Liam i know he's guy before that i bumped the coffee with he is typically a handsome,lovable and sweet boyfriend i told him about many things and about me going back in Austin,he said that it was ok if i wanted to get back in Austin.But i decided since Liam was here as my boyfriend....I'm going to transfer here in Paris for the rest of the School year...Welcome New Life!

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