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I got onto my jeep and heard the engine roar to life. Drunk as I was, it was not gonna stop me from driving. I started going down the road slowly and thank fully the road was clear.

The sound of the ocean's waves crashing on the beach made its way to my ears. And I sighed in relief knowing that I wasn't alone in this world. That I wasn't the only one who got high multitudes of times and come back crashing down with a loud thud.

I parked outside my house which appeared as a villa. And forced my limbs to carry me inside.

I laid on my bed thinking about the night and everything that my mind made me go through.

Tomorrow is a new day. And I shall enjoy my summer. I repeated that sentence endlessly outloud until I felt my eyelids close.


The alarm pierced my ears and pain coursed through my whole body as I woke up to turn it off. The beeping was deafening and my vision blurred as I grabbed hold of the clock and threw it somewhere.

"Aaaaaa." I groaned with fury.

"Good morning sir" a feminine voice declared from the far left of the room next to the door.

"Tracey" I slurred.

Tracey was one of my many employers.  She was young and extremely attractive with curly blonde hair.

"Ah you're awake" Gretta exclaimed.

Gretta was my advisor. She was in her mid 50s and strong. Her face,though slightly wrinkled held love and compassion and she took care of me since I was a baby. Considering I was abandoned.

You could sat she was the mother I never had.

"Yes,thanks to you all,going back to sleep seems impossible."

"Oh come now. You have visitors coming over in half an hour. I suggest you get ready. " Gretta spoke softly as she opened the curtains,making way for the sun's rays.. I hissed.

Tracey chuckled at my reaction.

"Tracey prepare the house for the guests"

"Yes ma'am" and with that, she exited the room.

"A demi-God hissing over a little ray of sunlight. " kissing her teeth she pulled the covers exposing my half naked body.

"Cover yourself boy" she threw the sheet back on me with a jolt.

I chuckled and immediately stopped as the pain increased.

"Cmon now Gretta, even Demi- God's have weaknesses." I furrowed my eyebrows thinking about the boos.

"I was hoping your weakness would come in a different form" she sighed

"We had this conversation numerous times before. I'm not one to submit to cupid and his arrows, I make my own kind of love"

"Through tequila shots and rum?" She cocked an eyebrow at me.

"The only way I know I can" I smirked to ease the tension.

"Oh maui." She sat next to me.

"One day a pretty lady will claim that heart of yours. "

At the mention of pretty lady,my mind drifted back to the night before only to see her. Her. Who was she. An angel?  I mentally scoffed.

A demi God with an Angel.

Maybe she's human. She appeared human enough. And again I scoffed.

Maui with a mortal. Please.

I was about to tell Gretta about her but decided against. Me talking about her meant attaching myself to her. And the only memory I have of her are her beautifully lit eyes.

"Now go get ready"

"Just to be sure?" I asked confused. " who is exactly stepping foot inside mi casa.??"

"The Blairmore Family!" She said opening my wardrobe.


" Blairmore?! The man in which you're gonna buy the company off?"

I widened my eyes in surprise.

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?!" I dashed out of the room.

"He's bringing his daughter with him as well" she shouted as I reached the other room.

Great I have important guests coming over in less than half an hour and I'm still wasted.

I quickly showered and pampered myself. And to say that I feel good was an understatement.

I wanted to be feel slightly wild before they arrived and so I made way to the sun porch and focused. I allowed myself to become one with nature and after a good five minutes a pair of dark wings appeared behind me indicating that my transformation was completed .  I stared at my hawk like self in the water and sprawled my wings lifting myself up from the ground and darted forward.

The wind slapped my face and caressed my wings. I felt alive,free, away from my demons.

While I was flying, a familiar scent caught my attention. Since I was in hawk form,I tended to pick up specific scents. Especially those I've been acquainted with. But the mystery was. Where did it come from?

I made my way back to the house only to already see that my guests has arrived. I fixed my hair up in a high bun and checked myself out in the mirror, feeling pleased with the black suit and white dress shirt underneath.

Let's get this over with. I murmured to myself.

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