Intensity of Heat

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I stood in the elevator and waited to get on the floor that will lead me to Maui's office to start my mentorship.

Usually, i would wake up on mondays and feel grim. But today was different. Today i would be with Maui.

I have to admit. He was HOT when he acted with self-importance. He seemed more dominating and challenging. And i quite enjoy challenges.

I smirked at the thought.

The door opened and i stepped out. I held my head up as i walked and made no contact with anyone.
I heard someone whistle from afar as i walked in the hallway. And a man walked past me and whispered

"Damn you fly" i hid a satisfied grin. My laptop bag was with me and my tablet sat in the palm of my hands as i walked. My phone was in an inside pocket in my shirt.

I was ready for this.

My hair was high up in a slick ponytail and my button up shirt was like a blouse with only the top button being was neatly tucked inside my skirt. The skirt was high waisted. I had little make up on, with faint pink lipstick that adorned my lips.

I stood outside Maui's door and took a deep breath as i opened the door. He was already waiting for me inside. He stood in the middle of the room with a smirk. Hands in his pockets. His shirt hugged his body and his jacket made his shoulders broad.

"Good-morning Miss Blairmore" his voice sly.

"Good-morning Sir Maui" i stood with holding my head up.

"Very nice. You cleaned up quite well!" He walked towards me.

Shoot. Even his eyes made my legs weak. Each step he took was slower than the one before. My heart was beating so fast. My head spun when i inhaled his perfume.

He circled me. Slowly taking his time looking at me.

"Now Christelle" his voice hard. Authoritative.

"I will not touch you, during your mentorship,"

The thought of him not touching me almost brought me to my knees. When he touches me the whole world stops and i forget about everything. His touch is almost inhumane. No. It IS inhumane.

"I will not flirt with you on a daily basis" he continued.

Does that mean he'll still flirt. Just not frequently?!. As long as he's doing it im fine with it.

"You will address me as Sir." That's a real turn on sir Maui.

"And finally, you will do everything i tell you to do" i felt his smirk behind me as he said those words.

"Do you have any issue?" I gulped trying to speak.

"And no hesitation" he said firmly. I gathered my courage and with a strong voice said.

"I agree with your terms and will tell you otherwise if it's necessary"

"Very well then. Shall we begin" he walked in front of me and went to sit at his desk.

I went to sit in the chair in front of him.
Someone entered with two cups of  drinks

The young woman placed a cup in front of me and one in front of maui. He nodded and smiled at her. She made her way out.

"Don't want to start with an empty stomach" he smirked. And the smell of lemon tea filled my nose. It came from the cup that Maui had.

I smiled. I guess it rubbed off on him and he made it a habit. Or maybe he's just drinking it because im here.

Either way he's doing it for me. And even though he is being a tough man, it's a small endearment on his part.

I stares down at my own cup. It felt a bit cold and i knew it was iced coffee. With whipped cream. I smiled once more.

I took my laptop out and made myself comfortable. All this time i felt Maui's eyes on my every move. For a moment it became impossible for me to breath. But gradually i repeated his words in my head.

He won't touch me. Remember that.

I took a deep breath and looked at him. His eyes glued on mine. My face fought to remain cold and hard.

Just when i thought my face was going to give up and show lenient emotion he turned away and woke up from his seat.

I sat straighter.

"When doing negotiations, you need to have the utter control. Let them know that this is your game to play. Don't shout while speaking. But be loud." He once again stood behind me.

"Do you know how to be loud miss Blairmore?" I almost whimpered at his sudden question and my mind drifted to our first night.

The way he was gentle and careful. Loving to me through his kisses. His hands travelling the lengths of my body. He had power. I felt it. And it wasn't a kind of power i was used to. He was strong, really strong. How can a man be so honestly. How?

"Hesitation" his hot breath warmed my neck as he whispered.

I jumped back to reality.

"Never let yourself be filled with distractions. Separate your personal thoughts from your work. They don't belong together."

"Now!" he said in a louder voice as he moved away from me.

"Stand up and tell me if you can be loud. Without. Hesitation." I woke my trembling self up from the seat and faced him. He had his usual smirk and his eyes were dancing evilly.

That man will be the death of me.

"Yes, sir. I am known to be quite loud" i said in a loud voice as i felt my eyes grow darker. I stood with my legs a bit far apart and with my hands behind my back, pushing my chest forward to show more figure.

He smiled.

"This is gonna be fun Christelle" he winked at me playfully.

Oh sweet mother of Grace.

I spent the entire day with Maui and after i was done, i went home.
I sat in my bed with my phone in my hands.

I left him at his office. And i didn't even give him a kiss.

Is this how it's going to be on weekdays? No personal contact? No kisses? No touching?

I have to wait after work? Or maybe even wait only for the weekends.

I will be with the man i love all week, for 13 hours a day, and yet it would feel as if i am not with him at all.

So close yet still far.

I laid back on my back and thought about the day.

Maui always walked and stood so close to me that i would feel his breath on my skin or his body heat. He would whisper in my ears. Smirm and tease me.

It was as if he was testing me. Challenging me. He didn't touch like he said he wouldn't. He just made his presence count in other ways.

I looked once more at my phone. And meditated on wether i should send him a text or not. But thought against it and threw my phone away.

I don't know how or when. But sleep overtook my racing mind.


Thanks for reading guys. 😘😘
Love y'all loads.
And thank you for your votes and comments. They've been really helpful. And i mean REALLY.

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