Just Us two In A Nest

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I stepped onto the patio and watched her carefully. She looked at me and stood next to the window . I closed my eyes and focused on everytging around me. Suddenly i felt my body shift. Christelle's gasp forced me to open my eyes and i saw her standing at the door with her eyes wide open and her hands over her mouth. I backed off a bit not wanting to scare her.

I was now in Hawk form. A huge one.

She took a step forward .

"Oh. my .Goodness. he wasn't lying" she said as she slowly almost in sing song and reached out to touch me.

"My boyfriend is a hawk. A hawk." Her tone held disbelief.

I could tell that she didn't know that i understood her. I smiled. For the first time in the day.

"Fuck" she exhaled as she touched me and felt my feathers. She withdrew her hands.

"So the legend of Tefitti...the heart...the story...the symbol, it's all true then? You're immortal?!. " her breathing became sharp. But she stood her ground.

I shook my head in response to what she was saying. I wanted to get closer to her. To touch her but i didn't want to scare her.

I took a step back. Preparing to shift back and explain furthermore on the matter.

"No. Stop" she said, knowing what i was going to do.

"Can you fly?" I almost rolled my eyes.

"That was a stupid question." She breathed out. I came closer to her and  opened my wings.

"Can you like...uh." she cleared her throat and i realized what she was trying to say. She wanted to ride me. Wanted me to take her for a little fly test and my heart suddenly flustered with happiness.

The fact that she's scared and yet still want to push her limits is extra-ordinary.

After all It's not everyday you're staring at a Demi God.

I turned my back against her motioning for her to climb.

She hesitated.

"I don't know what to do exactly. How to hold you, in case i end up hurting you" she whispered in doubt and guilt.

If only i was in human form i could have kissed those doubts away. She still cares about me. She doesn't want to hurt me eventhough i don't deserve her carefulness.

I bent down a little further and moved closer to her. After a while i felt warm hands against my skin and feathers. And a warm body climbed on top of me from the back, gripping my feathers. I made sure she was well seated before i jumped on the balcony. I made sure she was adjusted to the height and slowly flapped my wings until i was a bit high up in the sky.

She squealed at first, which made me lose balance, because i thought she was gonna let go. And so i panicked. But gradually she maintained a firm grip on my feathers. And i do mean firm. My skin was aching.

I flew around a bit, letting the breeze caress my body and feathers. She relaxed. She didn't say anything. At all. She was just deathly quiet.

I started my descent,being a bit concerned as to why she was quiet and landed on my small, usual island that i went to the day i met Christelle to get her off my mind.

"I don't know what to say" she said silently to herself.

I shifted back to my human form and looked at her. Examined her features.

"I'm sorry i didn't tell you this sooner. But it's not like i could've gone up to you and say hey i'm a Demi God.even though i've thought about doing it. "

She looked down.

"Christelle. I never meant to hurt you. I was gonna tell you about Moana. But i was waiting after your mentorship. "

"I understand." She said still looking down.

"Look at me" i said softly.

She glanced at me and tears threatened her eyes. I took heavy steps towards her and took her in my arms.

"I don't know what to make of this, it's just so unbelievable"

"I know." I whisperes in her hair.

"Why can't you have a normal secret, like you used to do drugs or you were an addict" she said drying her tears against my shirt and letting out an exasperated laugh.

I chuckled at the way she was trying to lighten the mood and make sense of it all.

"They weren't really my thing" i said going along.

"And yet you have bloody tattooes of everything you did in your life." I laughed silently as she calmed herself down.

" i'm sorry Christelle" i whispered once more as i looked into her eyes.

"Tell me everything. I- i think i'm ready to know more." I smiled.

I kissed her forehead and i motioned for her to sit down. She did so and i started talking about Tefitti and the heart and how i met moana through that event. She understood quickly and grasped instant knowldege about it. Her face showed interest but it also reflected hurt.

"So Moana was chosen by the Gods to fix your mistake.?"

I rolled my eyes thinking about that day and linking it to her sentence.

"Technically it was not a mistake it was a misunderstanding." I said in a matter of fact tone.

She smiled. She actually smiled! After all of this she smiled.

"Who else knows?" She asked quietly .

"My maids." I simply said. She furrowed her eyebrows .

"Are they....?" She drawled and i chuckled.

"No. No they are not. Only me and Gretta."

Her features softened and tightened once more. She looked sad.

"What is it?"

She bowed her head.

"Christelle?" My voice strained with pain but demanding.

She looked at me with sad eyes.

"I'm not immortal." She simply said looking down once again. My heart teared in two. My chest felt heavy. My breathing ragged. A lump in my throat formed.

"No, no your not"  i said. I wanted to tell her that it didn't matter. But what's the point. She wasn't going to listen. Knowing her, she'll dwell on that thought.

We sat in silence until she raised her head and touched my hands. I looked at her only to be met by a soulful kiss.

The kiss was rich with emotion. It was passionate. It was filled with pain. As if it was gonna be the last  kiss we will ever share. And then it hit me.

She's saying good-bye.

A single tear fell from my eyes.

she whispered with forced strength.

"Take me home Maui."

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