The Pizza Club

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"This house is beautiful."

"I have taste I know" I said smirking. They both raised a brow at me.

" This is Gretta" I said changing the subject.

"My mother." I didn't want to say adoptive mother. It's not really something someone would say to show how appreciative they are.

She extended her hand and shook each others hand. Christelle was standing by my side and I felt her move closer to me. I wrapped my hand around her waist and pulled her into me. She stumbled and chuckled.

"that obvious" she blushed. I opened my mouth to speak but got cut off.

"And please do not make a comment about irresistible you are" she smiled. I chuckled and nodded.

"Fine." I realized that Gretta and miss Stanley were looking at me.

I furrowed my eyebrows.

Gretta cleared her throat.

"Don't you have plans." She smiled and I did so myself.

"Ah yes." I looked at Christelle.

"I'll Meet with you in the garage." She nodded and went down the kitchen which was next to the room that led outside to the garage. I watched her until she disappeared from view.

I placed my attention back on the two woman that stood next to me and smiled.

"Where is he taking my daughter exactly?" She said looking at Gretta who smirked.

"I don't know to be honest." She shrugged.

"Huh. Staying here? Going out?" She was still talking to Gretta. As if this conversation had nothing to do with me.

Gretta only smiled and looped her hand to Miss Stanley 's.

"You're not gonna tell me are you?"

"Does the sea tell you why they make waves and not stay still?" She questioned humorously. Miss Stanley rolled her eyes playfully.

"I'll take that as a no." I chuckled silently and waited for the ladies to exit the room.

Knowing Gretta she'll keep miss Stanley very occupied. This is what I love about her. She makes everyone feel comfortable around her. She's so easy to talk to and you'll fall in love with her ways instantly.

I made my way out of the house and ran through the plans I had for the night in my head.

I was gonna take her clubbing. And not to just any club. But the club where we met. I wanted everything to be perfect for the night. I wanted her to have the best night of her life. And I wanted to spend it with her.

Afterwards we were to come back to my house and arrange a little meal for us on the beach. Considering I wanted to be equally romantic I thought the beach would fit the bill. And trust me. It does.

I had another plan in my head. But I wasn't too sure about it. It was still too early to tell her that I was a demi  God. But I just don't want to keep it from her. I want to be myself. To shift. To take her places far from the city. To soar with her in the sky and feel free at the same time bound.

Maybe one day maui. I told myself.

I saw her standing next to my car and she came up to me. Fast.

She took hold of my suit jacket and pulled me into her. Her lips smashed into mine as she kissed me hungrily. I soon followed her lead and kissed her with the same amount of hunger.

She broke the kiss and I leaned my forehead into hers, breathing heavily.

" what was that for?" I whispered breathlessly.

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