Soft to the touch

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"Come here" i called out to christelle as i watched her stand a few feet away from me.

She shook her head and raised a brow at me, as if questioning my sanity.

I laughed.

"It'll be over before you even know it.." She bit her lip.

"No, i am not going anywhere near you while you shift." She simply said in worry.

We were now on my isolated island. The island that i go to when i shift, or when i want to think. It was the place i came to when i first met christelle. Right now i was demonstrating my ability to shift in another animal form and i wanted her to touch me while i'm shifting. But she, is scared to do so thinking the rays that emit from my body when i shift will hurt her.

I mentally rolled my eyes.

"I know you rolled your eyes at me Maui" she said accusingly and i chuckled.

"We flew here remember? I shifted into a Hawk and FLEW here, with you on my back. So why you're afraid to touch me now" I said sitting down crossed knee trying to be coorporative.

"That was after you shifted, this is during your shifting process" she said in a matter of fact tone.

"Same thing." She rolled her eyes as i spoke.

I chuckled.

"You are so complicated" i sighed as i stood up.

"No, you're just thick headed" she smiled  and i laughed silently as i walked up to her and hugged her from behind.

"Why don't you wanna do it?" I asked with my lips at the nape of her neck.

She sighed. I wasn't sure if it was from pleasure or fatigue.

"I'm afraid something will go wrong. I mean it's not everyday you're staring at a demi God." She addressed. I smiled against her skin.

"I would never ask you to do anything that would harm you" i said sweetly.

"It's not me that i'm worried about, it's you. What if something goes wrong while you shift just because i touched you?" I turned her slightly to face me.

"If it was something that would have harmed us both, i would have never asked. But i did, because nothing will happen. Many people over the years have touched me while i shift and they'll tell you that it was the best experience of their lives. That is, if they're still alive."

"Waking up with you is the best feeling of my life" she said and laid a kiss on my cheeks. But i hurried and placed one on her lips.

We stared at each other for a while before i turned her body again, her back pressed against my chest.

"I want you to feel it when i shift. It's not just my body changing, but my whole being. It creates a bond between me and nature. You could feel the intensity of the feelings coursing through my blood, along my skin and everywhere. I want you to experience all that. There's more to it than meets the eye" my head was buried into her neck as i spoke. She inhaled again and goosebumps covered her skin. I traced her arm with my fingers and slipped my fingers into hers, then i lifted her arm up. I did the same with the other arm and we were now standing with our arms spread out, with mine supporting hers. 

"Feel the wind brush agaisnt your skin as you embrace it." I whispered into her ears.

I knew what i was doing. I knew it would work too. If i keep whispering to her and move her body slowly to the position i want her in, i could easily put her in a peaceful trance.

The position i wanted her in was the position i usually use when i'm about to shift into my hawk form. My arms are spread out and my legs slightly parted from each other. While i do this position i would meditate and think of the world around me, its biodiversity, the landscapes and all that. And that helps me focus. Alot. Even though the feelings that i get while doing it can get overwhelming.

So considering the fact that she's afraid to touch me, i'm going to do it the other way around. I'll touch her"

"Smell the salty air from the sea." She trembled under my touch. My fingers moved along her arm, teasing her.

"Shh, don't think of me, think about the world and everything in it" i whispered.

"Kinda hard to not think about you when you're holding me like this, you know" she announced.

"Just, shush" i said as i brought my body closer to hers. she stiffened and i smirked.

"Is this better?" I asked.

"Not one bit" she tried moving away but i placed my foot inbetween her legs and slightly pushed them apart.

I chuckled when her body tensed up even more.

"Relax in my embrace. Since you won't touch me, i'll touch you." And with that my hands moved to her waist and stroked her body. She relaxed and her breathing was calmer.

"Good"  i whispered

"Now tell me Christelle what do you want to turn into?" I asked trying to pretend that she was the one who was gonna shift and not me.

" leopard" she whispered to me and leaned her head against mine.

"A leopard it is, and with that i started shifting. The swirl of emotions darkened my visions, her body shook infront of me, but not once moving away. She breathed harder and faster. I watched her carefully as i shifted.

She got taller and taller and bigger in size as i started to take up form.

"Are you done?" She asked almost breathless when i was done. Taking my little growl as a yes she turned and smiled.

"That was amazing Maui" i mentally smiled.

She kneeled infront of me and i walked inbetween her legs, placing my paws on her thighs.

"Even in animal form, you're still sexy" she said.

Drat! I couldn't reply back. Meaning i couldn't gloat at her compliments. Clever girl she was. I slightly pushed her and she lost her balanceand fell on her butt with a shriek of shock. I mentally laughed but physically opened my mouth and growled in humor, she flicked my nose as a result.

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