mum and dad

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"Maui my boy"  A voice from outside my door called out and it swung open allowing a feminine figure to walk in, also known as Gretta.

"Up and early I see. I thought I had to drag you out of bed" she teased.

It was early morning. About 4 o' clock and my wedding was in about 6 hours . The anticipation prevented me from sleeping. I was thinking of Christelle all night. I only had 3 hours of sleep and trust me when I tell you this, Waiting for the hour of your wedding to come is dreadful, especially if you're waiting on your own without your your side.

I smiled at Gretta

Her eyes darted at the corner of the room.

"Who's that?" She raised an eyebrow at me.

Manululu spent the night here last night after he passed out from drinking too much beer. And by too much , I  mean 4 bottles. He wasn't wasted. Just tipsy. Extremely tipsy.

"You don't recognise him??" I smiled.

"Clearly not" she crossed her arms.

I walked over to where he was on the chair beside the balcony and called out his name.

"Manululu!" And he jumped.

"It's me it's me.....I'm not drunk" he drawled and I saw Gretta's face lit up with happiness.

"My Manululu??" She walked up to him and Manululu fixated his focus on her. But by the looks of it everything seemed blurry from his point of view.

"Mum??" He called out and I suppressed a laughter.

" no child it's Gretta" she said and gave him a small hug. It took him a while to realise that Gretta was the one holding him and not his mum

"Oh my goodness Gretta. You beautiful thing. I'm so happy to see you. Me and Maui had a few drinks last night and I passed out. But I'll be fit for the wedding in no time. The best man needs to look his best." He said in his drunken state.

She froze

"The what?" She silently said to herself.

I took a deep breath  and forced a smile. She subtly loosened her hold on Manululu and laid a hand on his shoulder while turning to me.

"Best man he said" she repeated her face held warning.

"When was this settled?" Her tiñe matching her face.

Oh hell. This is not gonna end well.

I shot a glance at Manululu who had no idea what was going on.

"Manululu go have a shower and a tux will be given to you afterwards. Try it on and see if it fits." He lazily got up and walked quite unbalanced to the door.

"Okay" he finally said before disappearing out the door.

Now let's see if I can make Gretta's bad mood disappear just as quickly.

"Well?" She waited.

"There's nothing to tell. I called him last night and a crazy thought popped into my head."

"Was it before or after the drinks"

"Funny " I said looking down and leaned against the wall behind my bed.

"Are you sure my maui? "  she asked quietly and I looked at her.

I gave her a warm smile. And she walked to me.

"I'm not saying he's not fit because he had more marriages than the number of stars in the sky But I'm saying he's not exactly the best fit because he usually meets his wives on these occasions." I chuckled.

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