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" I can assure you that will not happen." Feminine laughter filled the whole house. It was almost as if the house itself was alive.

"What's not gonna happen?" I asked as I entered the living room,where Gretta and Christelle were.

They both turned to me and slowly stood up. My eyes were glued on Christelle.

She was wearing a red, strapless dress which was skin tight and mid thigh length. How can someone look so beautiful. Her make up though simple, uplifted her features. Her dark eyebrows deepened the colour of her eyes and her long eyelashes was a true complimentary. Her lips were blood red as well and her hair was in a high bushy- curled ponytail. She was gorgeous.

Meanwhile I was wearing a black dress shirt with a tie and a suit jacket on top with matching pants. My hair was in a high messy bun.

I followed her eyes and it was darting all over my chest. I looked at my chest and saw nothing but the shirt and the muscle toned lines that sketched itself on the shirt. I smirked.

"Like what you see?" She instantly snapped out of her trance and gave me a judgemental look. I placed my hands in my pocket.

"Well I guess my service is no longer needed here. I'll see you tomorrow Sir Maui." Gretta gave me a cheerful smile.

" have fun" she whispered as she walked past me. I winked at her and turned my attention back to christelle.

I leaned my head to the side and kept on examining her body while smirking.

"Heard you were taking a cold shower?" All amusement disappeared from my face. I cannot believe Gretta.

Her laugh filled my ears.

"Relax you're a man of hygiene.  Totally get it." She teased on.

Suddenly the sole reason of her being here clicked. Dinner.

"How do you like your lasagne? Bake or burnt?"  I asked rather embarrassingly.

"You tried cooking by yourself tonight didn't you?" She was being especially cheeky tonight.

"Most people would find that appreciative and sweet." I said in a matter of fact tone.

" How about I take a look first and I'll give you an honest feedback.?!" She was now standing in front of me and fixing my collar.

I rolled my eyes and led her to the dirty kitchen to the counter top where the ' lasagne ' sat. She hid a chuckle and pressed her lips into a thin line.

" And you say my wardrobe needs cleaning.?"

I gave her a judgemental look. And she sighed in return.

"I'm sorry. I think it's really amazing that you tried cooking dinner for me tonight. It's the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. It's not lasagne of the year, but I'm sure we can make something of it." Her smile drew me closer to her. And she was inches away from me.

" I think that can work." She blushed.

"Shall we begin?" She walked away from me taking two plates out of the shelves.

As we set up the table, we made small talk until it became a conversation. Which shifted to fits of laughter. The meal wasn't as pleasant as I anticipated. But it was perfect in its own twisted little way. We cleaned the table and cleared the sink from dirty dishes. It got messy at first,considering she started splashing water all over me. In the end we gave up trying to get the dishes done and so left the cleaning to the dishwasher. We went back to the table for desert, Which were boxes of ice cream.

She was sitting directly across from me and she leaned into the table.

"  are you ready now to tell me of all your adventures?" She stared at my chest. I leaned forward as well. The table was family friendly. So it wasn't one of those long dinning tables. It was simple and made for more upclose social interactions.

" where do you want me to start? With my arms? neck? Chest?" I slowly said as I captured her eyes. She raised her hand and traced mine.

"Here" her finger lingered over my skin and it sent chills down my spine.

"These tattoes represents the different sea voyages I had throughout the years." I said.

"It looks like a Greek tapestry." She said while tracing my left wrist. I chuckled.

"And this?" She moved to my neck. My breath hitched and her body tensed.

" they're mountains."

"Why are they victories.?" I smiled.

"Because I conquered them" I said leaving the detail that I made them.

The thing is, humans are closed minded. Some believe in me and others think I'm a myth. I classified christelle as a myth believer. I don't think informing her that I'm a demi God would be a good idea right now.

" do you seriously keep a tapestry of all the victories you've won on your skin?" Her hand fell from my neck and rested on the table next to mine. I smirked.

"You seriously need a hobby." She leaned back in her chair.

"My whole life is a hobby." I said cheekily.

She snorted very unlady like. And I rolled my eyes. The silence between us was comfortable and I moved my hands a little, but that resulted in it, resting closer to christelle's . So close that I felt the heat emitting from it. She moved hers closer to mine and slowly  leaned forward once again. Our hands were now touching. Our eyes were locked into each others.

She raised a hand and tucked a strand of hair behind my ears. Her hand fell to my neck and traced my collar. I took hold of her hand and placed it back on the table, Woke up from my seat and kept my eyes locked on hers. I Walked around the table and leaned into her. My hands were resting on either side of her. She turned in her seat and watched me intently.

Our bodies leaned into each others until our lips were inches away . Her hand once again crawled up my chest and she gripped my tie. I expected her to pull me into her,but instead she held still. I took that as a hint and slowly lowered my head down to connect our lips. She was breathing heavily and I could feel the beating of her heart. Our lips grazed and I locked it with a kiss. Small as the kiss was, my body flustered. My heart rate increased and I felt it's beat in my ears. My breathing became ragged as I wanted more of her lips. Her red lipstick was a mixture of raspberry and vanilla. I became instantly addicted.

I grabbed hold of her lower lip and greedily took it. She exhaled and parted her lips while cupping my cheeks and I wrapped my hands around her now standing figure.

She was sweet and delicate in my hands. Her perfume filled my nose and I breathed it in.

"Maui" she whispered against my lips.

"Yes" I breathed out.

"Don't stop" she sighed and locked our lips once more.  My whole body trembled and it felt as if it was on fire.

She was setting my heart ablaze.

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