heavy heart, heavy footsteps

41 3 7

I was now looking at myself in the mirror, feeling the fabric of my suit and grinning like an idiot.

The suit was a two piece suit,the blazer dark and the undershirt ,white with a black tie tucked in perfectly under the collar, my body stretched the blazer to its full potential and revealed my bod, my broad shoulders, hard chest and complimented my abs. I felt powerful.

"You look so grown" Gretta said whilst walking towards me. She laid her chin on my shoulder and looked at the mirror.

I smiled at her, took her hand and brought it to my lips to place a peck on it.

"I feel so grown" I whispered against her skin.

"I remember when you were a little boy. Oh you were so cute with your fat little belly and wobbly legs" she chuckled and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Was this supposed to be a moment?" She chuckled.

"You had girls parade through your life, and back then Moana was the one that got to you, sadly she wasn't the one." My face fell and my heart grew heavy with the thought.

"Don't be sad my sweet" she moved to face me and cupped my cheeks.

"This one is different, I could feel it and I know you do too" she whispered and i smiled.

"She is" I said more to myself.

"Now let me go through the details with you of what's going to happen" she clapped her hands together in delight and walked over to my wardrobe to get my shoes.

Huh, can't believe I forgot my shoes.

I looked down at my feet and wiggled my toes and smiled to myself, thinking of Christelle and how our first love making session was after I took her to the beach. On that day every nerve was struck as we felt the intensity of it all.

"I'm very concerned sometimes for you boy" Gretta was standing right next to me, observing me looking and grinning at my toes.

I have her a cheeky chuckle and replied cheekily.

"No need,was just thinking about Christelle"

"And the thought of that sweet girl crossed your mind as you were looking at your toes?" She raised a brow at me and I laughed.

"You had to make it appear so weird when it was so romantic in my head"

"It wasn't me that made it weird" she said raising her hands in the air in defence. She ducked down and placed the black leather coating shoes at my feet, hinting to hurry up and Wear it. I sat down on my bed and obeyed.

"And to think that your visit to her this morning would've been enough" she said casually and my face paled, my mouth dry.


How did she know? No one saw me leave, I left so early as well, everyone was still asleep.

My kept racing to find an appropriate response but then gave up once I realised that when it came to Gretta it was impossible to keep things from her.

"Speechless boy?" She said mocking me.

"Can't do anything with you can i" I looked up at her now standing figure .

"If something goes wrong with this wedding I will have your head. You know it's  bad luck to see the bride before the wedding." She slapped me chest. Much to her advantage because I was sitting and she was standing.

"She became my bride the moment I proposed and I've seen her tonnes of times after that, in many different forms: I said the last part quietly but she heard Iver and slapped me one more time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2018 ⏰

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