Mortality IS immortality

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House on fire by sia.

I watched as Christelle happily packed her clothing and got ready. By now everyone was happily enjoying themselves. Laughter became louder and some got a little tipsy. Not drunk . But tipsy.

Her mother and I got to know each other a little better and I realised that she is no different from Christelle. Like she carries her mother's name she also carries her personality and wit. Especially the beauty.

"I feel sorry for dad ,mum" she said as we made our way downstairs back to the party. It was dark and my plans were slowly approaching.

" Your father will be fine. He's stubborn yes, but can easily forget things."she held her daughters hand. How I wish I was the one doing that.

"Yeah but, cmon mum."

" no buts. I know you feel guilty. But I know deep inside me that you'll never be who you are with him. I will let you flourish. I know I wasn't here before"

" yeah but I chose not go with you to china" she interrupted.

"Yes. But I could have persuaded you.  I'm gonna make up for lost times. Visiting you twice a month and face timing was not enough."

Was I suppose to be hearing this conversation? I mentally asked myself.
I've heard too much today. Honestly.

And with that I heard my name in their conversation. I looked at them confused.

" do you wander off like that often?" She teased.

"Can you blame me?" I teased back. Christelle laughed and leaned into me. Her back was against me and our fingers entwined.

"I could stay like this for ages."she whispered.

"I could stay like this for eternity sunshine." I kissed the top of her head.

" I have no doubt about you Maui." She said softly. She moved away from me.

The rest of her family started waltzing into the house and joined us. They laughed and spoke confidently to us. They knew that Christelle was leaving the party soon and so they bid their good byes.

Her father on the other end looked shattered. He stood amidst and called for her. She immediately turned and looked at her mother for a sign. She nodded.

Making her way slowly to him, he opened his arms and took her in a hearty embrace. Everyone stood there wand shock was evident.

Wow. He must've never showed his soft side until today if Everyone is paying him sudden attention. He pulled back and they started talking in harsh whisper.

I glanced down at my watch and realised that it was time for me to leave. I glanced at Miss Stanley who winked at me. I smirked and gave her a wink of my own.

Christelle and I would part separately. She was going to drive herself to my place but her mother suggested that she'll gladly take her. Even better in a way. People won't be suspicious when me and her leave at the same time. They'll think that Christelle's going with her mother somewhere.

I made my way to my car and exited the car park and followed the road ahead to my house which was an hour away.

"Everything's ready dear"  Gretta said as I made my way to the living room where she was.

"Thanks Gretta, you're amazing." I kissed her forehead.

"Do you think she's the one?" She leaned into me and rested her head on my shoulder.

" I believe so." She leaned back looking at me.

"Is that doubt I hear?"

I rubbed my forehead.

" I'm afraid " I simply said. She cupped my cheeks.

"Oh Maui. Immortality isn't the foundation of love. Remember the promised vow of loved ones. Till death do us part.?"

I sighed.

"I don't need another broken heart, what if the Gods don't see her as worthy and she stays mortal?"

" Screw the Gods." She whispered. I chuckled.

"It won't matter if the Gods don't see her as worthy, what matters is what you need. And that Is love." She said. And my heart sank.

"I didn't know that you were immortal when I took you in, and If you weren't, you could have scarred me and hurt me by your death, because I was willing to give you all my love and my life despite what the future might' ve hold. Lucky for me, you were immortal."

I caressed her cheek in adoration.

"Life is fragile. Even for a demi God as ourselves. But that makes it special, it teaches us how to take care of it and live it. And when you love someone as madly and strongly as you love Christelle, you treasure every moment of it. Immortal or not. It will always be love Maui" she reached for my hand and placed it on my chest.

"Can you feel that?" She whispered. My heart was elevating in a rhythmic pattern and became more powerful after each beat.

"That is the love burning inside you. Mortality is Immortality when you're living with love." I smiled at her and hugged her.

"Thank you mum. I love you"

" I love you too my son. I love you too" and with that she released her hold on me and she grinned.

"Oh before I forget" she said and I gave her a confused look.

She slapped the back of my head.

I winced in pain.

A group of maids were walking by and saw it. They giggled.

"You didn't do the dishes last night.  So it's yours tonight."

"We have maids you kn-" I stopped.
She gave me a hard stare.

This is like miss Stanley and Mr. Blairmore again.

"They're made not your nanny or you servants." Her tone flat.

I groaned in pain.

"It hurts you know"

"Good. Maybe it smacked some sense into you" she teased as she woke up from her seat.

The doorbell rang and two feminine figure stood outside.

"Welcome to my crib ladies" I said satisfyingly.

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