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Sitting in the bath tub I allowed my mind to drift to Maui.

I wonder what he was doing?.

Should i call him?

No that's stupid. I'm not supposed to talk to him until I see him at the altar. It's bad luck.

But I miss him so much.


I laid my head back and forced myself to relax , which didn't work. I was too excited, too giddy.

This bath is not working I need to go help mum with the preparations to keep my mind busy. She will kill me but it'll be worth it.

I got out of the tub and walked into my bedroom and what I saw next gave me the shock of my life and caused me to run back into the bathroom and slam the door shut. The floor was slippery, probably because my feet had soap all over it.

"MAUI!!!!!"  I shouted and covered my mouth when I realised I shouted just a little bit too loud.

Okay, really loud.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE??" I whispered harshly. I heard him chuckle.

" hey Sunshine" he called out from the other side as he walked towards the bathroom. I could hear the smirk in his tone.

"Just wanted to see you" his voice soothing to my ears.

I wanted to hold him right now.

No. No you don't.

I scolded myself.

He is not supposed to see you. He isn't supposed to be here. It's bad luck.

"MAUI..." I whispered harshly again

"You're not supposed to be here. It's bad luck"

" I needed to see you before the wedding, before everyone starts getting on our case and when that happens I won't be able to have you all by myself until hours later" the sadness in his voice was thick and my heart clenched.

Oh I want to look at him right now. Touch him, kiss him.

"Oh Maui. I miss you" I said feeling the words as they slipped off my tongue.

"So does that mean I can see you?" His tone teasing. He knew that I didn't want to open the door, but I wanted to at the same time.

"Fine, but I do not want you to stay too long. If mum finds you she will murder you" I said opening the door quietly.

Something did not feel right as I opened the door. Something felt missing. What was it?!.

When the door reached midway and I saw his legs I instantly realised what was wrong and I slammed the door shut once more.


I'm naked and don't have  a towel.

"Christelle?" His tone held concern.

Shit Shit Shit.

"Christelle?" His voice firm.

"Maui it's alright it's just....."I inhaled and took and good long look at my naked body.

"Just what?"

He's seen me naked before. Plenty of times, what makes this so different.

I opened the door slightly and stuck my head out. I froze.

He was wearing a tight shirt that hugged his abs and complimented his body, washed out dark jeans that hung loose around his waist. Simple but sexy.

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